Chap. 2 Da Right Move

Niki jerked her head at the mention of this school, she'd been there one year, it had one of the countries worst problems with anti-fur, and fur groups. "this might be an issue," she thought "oh, ok then where's your house?

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A Leopard's Tail Ch 10

"now be nice peter, or i'll get my anti-fur friends to come over here and spray paint you while you're asleep!" peter almost choked on a piece of meat, and kristy smirked victoriously while her brother recovered, chuckling.

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An Island's Tail – Chapter One

That little anti-fur movement down here months ago? did you really think we forgot? we saw you!" the other two bunnies joined her and caroline and tightened the circle around the boy. "you just don't get it, do you?"

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Making Waves

That little anti-fur movement down here months ago? did you really think we forgot? we saw you there!" the other two bunnies joined her and caroline and tightened the circle around the boy. "you just don't get it, do you?"

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The day Rick met Sarah

This was especially true at his workplace because quite a few of his co-workers were actually anti-furs, and they insisted upon making his day to day life a living hell when ever they could.

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Secret Desires part 2.txt

I know it was all that anti fur talk around town that started it, taylor felt like apologizing for. i know this began with harry, a representative from river bend.

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Artist's Change

Jason..." he tried not to insult the poor guy, but the fact was he was an anti-fur. there was no way he was going to let this guy into his simply walk into his art gallery, even if he did look good in that suit and pitiful, poor smile. "no."

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The Family Experiment Chapter Two

We think it was the anti-fur establishment, the hunters." brianna sat down hard, despite the pain in her nether region, her legs felt numb. "was..."

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History of Fur: Chapter 1

The screen transitioned back to the studio where the anchorwoman began speaking again "anti-fur politician, terrence white, had this to say;" she said before the feed switched to mr.white, surrounded by reporters and camera's.

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How Jocelyn Got Her Muse On

This was a pretty good crowd, much better then a few days ago when her playing had been interrupted by a group of anti-fur activist assholes who turned her concert into a shouting match. bunch of fascist cocksuckers they were, the bunch of them.

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The Destruction part 3

Vixen, you know what happened when that ex warrior came to river bend and started shouting that anti fur nonsense. they wanted to kill him, he had to leave or die. could you imagine what would everyone say if i told them what i heard".

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Chapter X: He who gets the Last Laugh

"do you recall," the wolf said in a deep rumble, "how a few centuries ago, when furs first emerged into the world, there was a dimensional rift that opened that led to an invasion of anti-fur aliens?" mary tapped her chin thoughtfully.

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