Sexual Shorts

The baby sitter The white cat Melloney walked down the hall, her eyes passing from each door to the small piece of paper in her hand. Her tail swayed back and forth coming...

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Short Tale

This is Sergeant Lucas Hammil; this will be my last log entry. What can I say? Everyone else is gone. I've only just been able to avoid whatever it is that murdered my comrades by hiding in the ducts that apparently, according to these claw marks, was...

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Wolf Shorts

So, yena is currently in a creative writing class (Yay!), and in the first few days has been reminded of the idea of a 'short story' (to think!). For some reason, my writing habits have tended from medium-length to running on and on, even though I...

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Easter Short

I know it is a bit late, but this is a short Easter story I have written purely for entertainment purposes. All these characters belong to me, and this short with some parts based on a conversation with a good friend of mine. Here's a quick bio for the...

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A short Time

Beep... Beep... Beep... The console in front a young humanoid male wolf keep making that sound, he yawned and leaned forward to get a better view the screen. Four screens showed him basically anything that might hit the ship or the ship might...

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To Make It Short

_Hey everyone! Here's another chapter of my ongoing series! After the dramatic turn of the event, we have to see how the characters react to them. I wasn't sure to do that twist, but it seems you don't hate me (too much) for it so.... Hope you will...

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Another Short

i dont know wht i even bothered with this not particularly proud of it... Leon fidgeted nervously in his seat as Mr. Kazam set up the experimental apparatus. The young Charmeleon boy's flaming tail waving from side to side in...

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A Short Conversation

Chester was reclining on his couch with his laptop open when Mark entered the apartment with a knock. Whatever the bull had been doing - Mark suspected masturbating - he halted quickly and sat up nonchalantly, leaving a space on the couch for his...

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A Quick Short

Hello everyfur! As I'm currently having a little bit of troupble with my other works, even the between project project that i started, I'm going to post a few one shots that might turn into a bigger story if I get enough intrest or just get bored. this...

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Short Man

When the sun set that windless evening in late June, the laziness characterizing that time of year had already begun taking the better of Rose Blackburn-Smith. She didn't mind. It had been a particularly hot afternoon, and while the countryside, in...

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Too Short...

Mike looked around his barren apartment, a sense of deep emptiness filling his heart as he took in the sights of the meaningless items scattered about the floor. This last week had been nothing but torment for the feline as the intense sadness he had...

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Sexy short

Wrote this from talking with a friend. Enjoy. \*its short, but sexy\* \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Her arms closed around his bare...

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