Lewd times with Leafeon 2

The harder i squeezed, the more she purred, like a blissed-out chew toy. "i looove you, little leaf..." i said as i drummed my fingers along her belly. "i love you too." despite my emboldened condition, my heart leapt in my chest.

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Blood Red Ch 1

The gooey member in belle's mouth had stilled and was now only muffling the blissed-out dragon's tired moans. the thing slipped from her lips and she just panted quietly for a few moments, then her head lolled to the side as she lost consciousness.

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The blue slick fluid filled the stall with a fruity scent to mingle with the natural horse-musk, intoxicating the already blissed-out fox as the shaft bucked and inched through again.

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On the Brink

Ace whined in almost drunken ecstasy to her equally haggard looking, blissed out lover. "i'm so, s-so fucking close. but please... please, not yet. don't... _ah_, d-don't let me cum.

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In The Stacks

Scott stopped there for a moment, looking up at charlie and grinning around his mouthful at the blissed-out look on the black jaguar's face.

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Getting Lit at the Club

People were backing away from their impromptu lovers as they saw that their hands or tongue or cocks were covered in glowing rubber, only for a blissed out look to suddenly appear on their faces as they began to move to the music and rub up against

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Join Me For A Bite

'_ and yet, even as the world grew increasingly dark around her... she still yearned for more pleasure... her blissed-out mind not registering or caring about her imminent death.

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Three Wishes at the Family Horse Farm

The blissed-out lance could barely understand the genie, each of the booming words droned out into that fading calliope sound. lance wandered out of the barn. and into the setting sunlight.

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A week well spent

The faintest hint of a blissed-out whimper passed her sweetly parted lips as isiat's cock throbbed alongside reece's within her, both of them feeling like they were trying to tunnel right into her womb.

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Spacer Mutts

She was way too far gone to notice, laying crossed-eyed in a puddle of fuck on the floor, her tail wagging as absently as the look in her blissed-out eyes. he stepped into the lit-up container.

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Love in All Shapes and Sizes

Before the night was done, before they collapsed in one another's arms, shuddering, whimpering in blissed out fatigue, she'd felt his cock slide between the lips of her pussy no fewer than three times, between the cheeks of her rear once, and between

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A Camel Unfiltered

I lay under my camel and he cuddles me and we just lay together blissed out for a while. ahmed looks at me and asks if i will give him sons when he wants me to. i answer that i will and he nuzzles my neck and gently rubs my belly.

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