Tales of Sniper Fox - Prologue

However, as with any new frontier, there were unscrupulous profit-takers: smugglers, con-artists, and pirates quickly adopted warp technology to aid in their endeavors as well. this is the story of one such would-be pirate.

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Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 15

Having been a con artist most of his life, he had made a myriad of connections with the criminal world.

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Heaven Help My Heart

"one of the best con artists in the business was hired by some mysterious, shadowy benefactors for a lot of money to destroy you. this con artist, gabriel moscatello... he's dangerous. he's got plans, and he sees those plans carried out.

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A Gilded House

_heh, who would have thought that a con artist would have some good eco-habits?_ he thought, unpacking the already-fried tofu.

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Adrian and Rex 2

The funny thing is that the lie itself isn't the problem, it's what happens if that lie ever gets exposed, and for a daredevil con artist like the kitty, it's that moment that thrills him so much that he essentially made a kink out of it.

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The Old Bastard Child

He looked like a con artist. ears pointed, twitching always. "high school." a nose pad that looked just a little too large. but only to someone who's had to live with it.

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Clans of the Masquerade Prt 3

Hailing from india, the ravnos are seen by the western world as gypsies, con artists and thieves. few vampires trust the ravnos or welcome them to their domains, which means the ravnos are forced to lie, cheat and steal in order to survive.


A Shifty Situation

Then maj replied "not when it is a state of national security it is not, and to further that, theirs alot more you can do with a great con-artist, that was put off of death row for helping us convince you to sign a contract giving us allowance to invade your

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Unintended Consequences

The idea was of course completely asinine, but to jose cuervo, even the babble of a half-assed con-artist sounds like socrates. "i...i don't know, man."

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Magpie's Journey: Arrival at Moonsteppe

A tent would have been fine for the con artist, but the noble graffion demanded something better. papers were produced, each one getting signed in turn. graf's flourishing signature taking up a goodly portion of allowed areas.

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Cavernous Storybook CH9: The Game Of Fame

He finally defeated the infamous, morbidly obese con artist known as mahin and ultimately saved tokyo from sure destruction." the news reporter explained.


Prologue: Burning

Unlike most witch trials though, for once these con-artists had caught the right woman. the woman really was a witch, guilty of all sorts of spells and magic dealings.

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