New Leash On Life

You weren't sure how this happened, but you were going to get rid of these sex toys if they had a demon possessing them! the part about demonic possessions wasn't on the website! 'you put on the collar.

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Predilection: CH 11: Shadows of Sacrifice

I could hear the angered cries from behind us as the demon possessed me commanded his flyers to follow. there was no way i could outrun them, and no way kira could handle a fight.

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Lightning Shoes - (Demonic TF/Paw Stuff Story)

This story contains heavy heavy paw stuff, demonic possession/transformation, paw growth and very nsfw themes, if it's not your thing run away now!

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Untouchable: Chapter 49: As good as Damned: Oliver

"my mind is perfectly sound, i'm not the one that's assuming logical arguments mean demon possession," oliver yelled.

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[Draconicon] Werewolf Exorcism, 1: The Demon and the Raven

_ demon possession wasn't passed solely through standard sex, after all. instead, he kept stroking. he could do this all day, while he knew the demon would give up...eventually.

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A Somewhat Sexy Summoning

Experiencing no agony because although his flesh burned hotter than hell itself, the demon possessed the power to let anyone he _wanted_ to touch him do so without harm. "no lies. no deception.

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Perverted Priest Problems

Of course, that was easier said than done, particularly with the puffing breath of the demon-possessed priest against his cock. "that's it. wide hips, large ass. you will be a particularly welcome member to our ranks.

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Serpentine Surprise

The demonic possession softened the blow for a bit, but i was pinned down, with no means to express the arcane incantations to stop the serpent.

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SLICE! (the introduction)

"i mean, that's definitely a demon possessed pumpkin, right? no reason to stick around and wait for it."

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He Walks As My Shadow 6 - To The Old World

The mentioning of darkness and potential demon possession sealed the deal for him.

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Mail Order Bliss

Side effects may include dizziness, cotton mouth, increased libido, change in appetite, lycanthropy, heterochromia, sneezing, demonic possession, non-demonic possession, physical alteration, desire to break out into song, inexplicable orgasm, explicable orgasm

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Too Close to Home

Warning: this is a horror story, and revolves around supernatural horror and demonic possession. if this is not your thing, do not read further.

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