Finding the Alpha Wolf: Chapter Nine
This is a safe place with others much like you who have run into a end of life scenario, but were given a second chance. yes, i can bring you back home if you so choose it but only after you make that choice wisely, and no i am not god or a god.
No Frills: Khezef the Dragon
end of life _500 years old_ despite his unhappiness, khezef is afraid of death. however, he has an 'open-ended' feeling about his life and doesn't have a plan as to how he would like the rest of his life to go.
No Frills: Igrotzny Hykok
end of life _old age_ it should be noted that igrotzny's father, who was a workaholic much like igrotzny himself) died of a heart attack. while this is not inevitable for igrotzny himself, there is potential for the pattern to repeat.
What Does It Take for a Wish to Come True?
Instead, he suggested hospice and end-of-life protocols. we were floored.
Why Wolf?
I foresaw the end of life in the northern hemisphere, and that i needed to do something about it.
Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Youths: Keith's Story - Chapter 1
On the other hand, there are the selfish, sexist, speciesist, violent assholes, that simply need to learn what it's like to be on the other end of life.
It's The Thought That Counts
Some say it's the apocalypse, that we'll see the end of life as we know it, perhaps even the end of humanity itself. others say nothing will happen that really life will just go on as it always has." "so what do _you_ believe?" "a little of both."
Fading Away
"it's a skull, but not just any skull, it's the last physical remnant of death, when the gods appointed it to see over the end of life, its body faded to become the essence
Court of the Gods
The beginning of life, and the ending of life. it is balance. nothing more. nothing less." vanarta continued to growl. "fear has nothing to do with it. you overstep yourself. you claim domains already claimed by others!" zanduchi shook their head.
No Frills: Krys Evensong Larcen
end of life _old age_ krys' attitude towards life and death is that life is better if it is enjoyed, so she is determined to spend her time alive enjoying it as much as she can.
No Frills: Ijona Hykok
end of life _old age_ ijona expects to live a long life because the females in her family routinely reach 100 years with all of their faculties intact.
No Frills: Kiroku / "Bandit" of the Coyos
end of life _old age_ bandit is currently unsure of how he feels about death, but his feelings about it currently range between acceptance of its inevitability and anxiety.