
God, it's embarrassing, but you can feel yourself throb as you fill with air. your paws press over your delicates, searching for that rock-hard boner you know is desperate to unload in your new jacuzzi.

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Stream: A Loving Couple (short interactive stream story)

With his lungs once again filling with air the wolf would practically howl to her, calling as loud as he could to get her attention.

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Inflatable Intimacy

It was strange, for an object filled with air, chase was surprisingly firm and strong. gabbie could feel those massive paws slowly ease down her back and clasp onto each of her cheeks.

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An Orca Week Vacation

And almost immediately, duncan could feel the suit constrict a little as it filled with air. "oohhhhh..." he moaned to himself a little.

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The Chieftain - Chapter 3

The chieftain's mouth wrapped around hototo's and he could feel his lungs filling with air. even after his breath was replenished the chieftain remained underwater with him, his face barely apart from hototo's.

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Dogfight - Who can be the biggest?

This was soon replaced by a look of pleasure as they felt their bodies slowly filling with air. kodi took a few steps back to watch. they were expanding at the same rate, which was a good thing.

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Push Play

He closes his eyes and listens to the hissing from the video, feeling his innards slowly fill with air. the hissing dies, a sign to pull the plunger up, the hissing restarting just as he does.

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Ratchet and Clank: Time After Time (Chapter 5)

The city skies were filled with air cars, many of which were carrying supplies of gelatonium to and from the city. unfortunately, the city still had the same rustic smell to it, smelling more like wet dog than anything else.

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The Stalker

My lungs filled with air, i was about to do it. confess my love for him, to his face. i was ready. "yes." his muzzle stayed shut and he didn't say anything.

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Pool party

All he wants is to be big and puffy and filled with air, and he can feel it widening him with every passing moment. he could feel his form growing, larger and tighter. more stretched out.

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 2 - "A Job to Do"

Mugen fought to breathe then let a snarl ripple from his throat when his lungs filled with air. he pushed himself up, eyes clenching in pain.

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