Gin's Day - Gin

I still have my math and language arts to do, but i got focused in my home ec project." the husky said, his body slowly coming up into seen's sight as he walked around the couch. "oh, ok. welllllll..."

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Daddy's "Girl"

"something i made for my home ec class." gin answered simply, the young husky licking his ruby red tongue over his luscious lips as he winked playfully at his new caretaker. "what do you think?"

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First Day of Sophomore year(Chapter 24)

Dean nodded, "that's why i took home ec, i hate cooking, sewing and just about everything that that class teaches."

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Digital Love

Marcus nodded saying "i decided to take home ec. in school for extra credit; turns out i have a real knack for that class." "think you can teach me?" i asked. "sure, but first ya wanna go upstairs to your room and get some work done?" marcus asked.

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Ember Tails, ch2 (pt.1)

"my last period, home ec., always is let out five or so minutes early, so i can try it then, and just... go home..." the jolteon stayed silent for a moment, thinking, then said "well... i **guess** that sounds like a good plan..."

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Chapter Three: It's Who You Know

It was strange enough that chris would be in home ec; hunter didn't want to bother asking why he chose that elective. jake came into the group with andy through the chess club, which more likely than not explained the coyote's competitive nature.

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Stripper Harem: First and Second Impressions

"e-evergreen high school, i just learned how to cook from my home ec class", said scott shocking ron and his staff as they each tasted the fondue, "the fondue recipe was just a basic recipe anyone can pick up online.

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The first time is always the shortest

He's making you take home ec? that's hilarious, the others are going to ream you when they find out about it!' though ray's mirth was short lived.. 'shut it you little turd! they won't hear a thing from you if i break your jaw.

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White Crush - Part 1

Alison wanted to avoid being hungry when it came to the home ec class. she heard they always had leftovers, and did not want to get in the habit of eating all of the treats they had from the other cooking classes.

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Wet Me Down

"at least i'm into sports, and not dollhouses or home ec." his arrogant teammate imbibed a cocky smile. "i'll be nice to you this time, and say nothing about why you'd come up with those two alternatives out of thin air."

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Intertwined - Chapter 1

"that's skylar," he typed back, "he's in my home ec class." the send button lit up as he pressed it and he quickly put the phone away and out of view. when he looked up, he nearly jumped in terror as he saw two tiger eyes staring back at him.

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Secret Sauce

He didn't know jack about cooking; all his home ec crap had washed out of his head years ago. "would you, please?

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