Ocean Depths part 16

The man he found himself with snored like a lumber mill. and he didn't give a damn in the world about it. some of his past relationships on the other hand he would have thrown out, but to have him here snoring was like an accomplishment.

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The Simple Things. Chapter Twenty.

"richard," i said trying to hush him trying to look back at max who was still snoring up a lumber mill. "it's not like we're alone." i swallowed audibly and tried to pull away, i barely got an inch as another warm rush of hot air blew against my face.

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It was good for the economy that the lumber mill was running again, sure. but _god_, it would've been awfully damn nice if a steady paycheck had calmed the martin-barlow fucks down. it just made them cocky.

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The Soft underside

It was while he was doing some menial tasks at the lumber mill, the owners told him his talents lied not in the physical area, but with developing his mind.

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The Digi-logical Clock

"it was like we were sleeping next to a lumber mill last night." "blade." nardine snapped softly. alex had poured himself a glass of orange juice and was sipping from it. he placed the glass down and looked anxious suddenly.

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Ferret Chess

He saw potential in their tree-infested backwoods and established the finest lumber mill in all the land which brought much wealth and prosperity to the nation.

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue VI

mill, which would not only give the tribe enough food last through the season, but mules enough to haul it all back without the necessity of retrieving the slaves.

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Chapter 7 part A

The coyotetaur points out the lumber mill and several other places that build furniture, boxes and adds cauldron receives all of their carts from acheron along with the amount of business the villages gave each other. the coyotetaur looks around.

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Zootopia First Salvo part 2

Work in my dad's lumber mill moving logs around? i mean...i know that's a good job for an otter and all but...i'd like to be an underwater welder and the navy's totally short on otter welders so hey....and....that job?

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The Coon-Dog's Diaries (vol. 4 - FoxieFang)

"maybe i've seen your face on tv... did you have something to do with a lumber-mill explosion or something? in oregon, i believe it was... years ago. ring a bell?" "no... not really." i said.

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When Druids Cross Faction - Perceptions

He would have to try to remember the few spatterings of common he had learned from the orcs in the lumber mill. they were generally loath to speak their slave-owner's language. he tried once more, "i lars...ver?"

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The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim Chapter 3

The lumber mill seemed to stretch out against the riverbank, sawdust clouds filling the air as the workers were still going with their workload. several men were busy with large hacksaws, removing the large branches from a felled tree.

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