1313 Golgotha Street

Then after a miss from brutus has bullets pining off the meat grinder: "careful, brutus, you wouldn't want that coming out of your salary." "stand still, bastard!" brutus yells.

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All Bets are off

A huge meat grinder was standing in the middle of the factory. the two wolves went up a staircase that led to its top. they took turns throwing the skunk's body parts into the grinder.

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Dion's D-Day

It was not uncommon to find many anthros' sign up for the army to avenge the deaths of there family and friends, taken by the meat grinders of the war.

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Cooking with Charn... To cook a good meal ya gotta have the best ingredient's... Charn goes looking for just the right stuff for in 4 star meat loaf... Predators beware...

"though, i did talk a wolf into letting me grind up his big bloated balls with a hand-cranked meat grinder!" "ohoooooooooo..." "heheh your some kinda sweet talker it seems!"

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Tiger Tiger: Prologue

"yikes it looks like somebody fed his arm into a meat grinder." one of the attendants muttered as he got the pale skinned man onto the stretcher.

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Woes of a Sophmore Tiger

The pain then faded from my arms and torso so i could move a bit but then my legs spasmmed with agony, feeling like they were being fed into a meat grinder.

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Xan and Xandria's Snuffing

#9 of club meat grinder [commission] two twin dragons come to the club, seeking out a way to share their final moments with each other.

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Morphtalk: Blogisode 1

Lucky for me, this meant that, unlike the vast majority of morphs from the first and second generations, i never had to go through the military meat grinder. unlucky for me, it meant i got put through the meat market instead.

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First time pred... 2

No doubt some horny guy looking to get a bit of horsie tail hole action, turning he went into his garage and got out his meat grinder.

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Chapter 1: A Strange New World

These two are destined to the meat grinder for sure. however, what do you want one for?" the father replied, but already knew the answer. he had heard the arguments repeatedly since his children were old enough to have a pet.

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Case File of Felix Vulson, Fox

I'll show them **my** meat grinder! where's a phone? f: daniel, calm down! d: give me a fucking phone! now detective! i need my attorney! f: down the hallway to your left! jesus christ, daniel!

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Paw... Enter the Claw... Fan Fic

The big zebra watched in horror, as his huge black ball sack dropped into the waiting mouth of a meat grinder. 'rrrrrrr...' the meat grinder roared to live and instantly diced those fat nuts, sack and all.

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