Twisting the Helix

The milking tube continued to drag at his cock, pulling at his pre-cum and dragging at his balls. his cock was harder than ever, and he swore that it was probably thicker in the tube, as well, probably being affected like it was inside of a cock pump.

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Insatiable Drives

Each milking only made the torture worse: as the rat got thicker and fuller he pressed against the walls of the milking tube that was hungrily working for my cum, and the snugness had me shooting almost continuously--my abused cock firing an endless stream

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Transformation Story: Disabling the Doctor

# two weeks had gone by, and he was back in the main room, pulling the milking tube off of the dragon's cock and setting it aside, having come up with another cup or so of the dragon's seed.

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Cum Milking Story: His Milking Moriarty

Marshall maceachern chuckled as he stepped forward, holding one of those same milking tubes as was on each of the other kidnapped jocks, and corporal steele stared at it in not-so-hidden horror.

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Cum Milking Stories: The Supersoldier Project

It wasn't until he felt and saw the milking tube slide down his cock that he felt a little bit concerned. the latex dragon groaned as his cock was swallowed up into the heavily lubed hole, the pressure inside sucking his cock in deeper and deeper.

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Cum Stream Story 3: A Valued Transaction

A surprising number of machines, ranging from fucking machines to milking tubes to things that even the dragon didn't recognize littered the room.

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Fuck the Writer Story 1: Drakina's Toy

._ nataraj groaned as his cock felt like it was swallowed up in a milking tube, or something very like it. the feeling was like a constant swallowing around his cock, almost like a blowjob, except better, never ceasing, never varying.

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Fucking Machine/Milking Stream Story 6: Becoming Father and Mother

His cock was likewise affected, twitching and bouncing inside of its milking tube. it hadn't even been turned on, and he swore that he was already filling it up with pre.

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The New Deal

He leant into the horse's back, reaching around and slowly feeding that big hard cock into the thick milking tube. the inner walls were made of slick foam that moulded itself intimately to the shape of his dick.

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To the beat of gaming

He exclaimed, as he positioned himself over jon once more, facing him this time, touching his penis with the milking tube, his large balls touching jon's equally large orbs.

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Sure enough, no sooner had they arrived at the cow's own cubicle, she laid herself down in her seat and looked up at kemper in expectation as she began to re-affix her milking tubes upon her breasts.

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Milk And Puppies

Then came the sample collections, milking tubes not unlike those one would find in a dairy farm being attached to all eight of her breasts, pleasurably massaging and sucking all that excess liquid from her body.

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