"The Thin Line," Part LL

The misgivings were the fact that he was probably the most experienced squaddie left in mossford.

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Substitution - Chapter 14

"are we now talking about your father's existential anxiety or your own misgivings over the procedure, mister kyle?" "what's the difference?" brantley snapped back.

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Zion - LotNM Charater Prologue (Roarg Stoneclan)

Roarg often enough had misgivings about fulfilling his own needs and leaving the gryphon without, but he also was a realist and knew there were very few ways short of a trip to doen to satisfy sebastian's needs in that regard.

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Black and Gold

The plain order overrode his initial misgivings and he did as he was told, savouring the unfamiliar flavours of lube and arse; the humiliation of the act making him feel dirty and wonderful at the same time.

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Gorthorn: Chapter 6: Reality Shift

Much as he'd like to kiss away any objections or sway him- reassure him it would be worth his while- he would also have to choke back the downward spiral of misgivings.

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I was Never Gay Part 1

If i felt vague misgivings about my life, i was quite able to stifle them in the face of the wonderful life i was living. i had everything i could have ever wanted. so why wasn't i truly happy? i spoke long about it with sara.

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A Deeper Love #3

I begin to dread that his misgivings are creeping back in. that he'll get up and leave suddenly like he has so many times before. "okay." he says finally. "let's get some sleep."

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Waking Up With Strangers

Oh, i fully intend to do that, despite my misgivings. at the very least, it should amuse john. i know how he loves furs. and perhaps it might even convince the "mad-mixoligist" to lay off it at the next party.

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Real Cowgirls Ride Bareback

He had no desire to stop now that he was so close to finishing, so he pushed aside all misgivings about the missing condom and gave in to the pleasure.

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leave me alone ch1-2

One misgiving and you were betrayed and likely dead. it was a hard time and i do miss them some. the ability to learn and grow by leaps and bounds. but i had my time. as all should. ruua opened his eyes from his rest to find himself still alive.

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A Deeper Love #3

I begin to dread that his misgivings are creeping back in. that he'll get up and leave suddenly like he has so many times before. "okay." he says finally. "let's get some sleep."

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