Cross Hares

Sure, this is just a missing rabbit case, but i'm cynical, remember? this time both my search and the garden are fruitless. nothing has been recently disturbed with the exception of the strawberries being picked clean, and that's hardly a crime.

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Yule Night on Planet Tiki

"when miss bunny is done, i need a taste." "there's another present from me in your room."

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Buxy the Bunny: Chapter 4: Rowdiness at The Bunnyhop Nightclub

"hey miss? rabbit-chops?" he clicked his claws together in front of her face, as he tried to get her attention. "ya got a name there? huh?" buxy got ahold of herself and jolted her gaze back to her drink as she tried to regain her equilibrium.

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The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:15

But his arms managed to snag his long and fluffy tail, which he snuggled as if it were the missing bunny. _"he is such a doof."_ she thought to herself, rolling her eyes. "but he's my doof."

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Brought into the Light: Part 6: Sheath and Knife fiction

"you just better work on that transportation or me and miss bunny here are going to fucken party with her taking all the fucken." "oh come on alex?" gordon replied.

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Chapter 20: The Duchess of Gooseberry

It seems the missing rabbit was taken by a wolverine who works for the duchess. in a black sedan too. it fits what we've learned from all of the murder cases so far." "that's fantastic, jason! have you told lily?" "er, not yet.

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Growing Urges 5

"oh god... if this is what we're gonna get hammered with living with you, little miss bunny, i'm all for it." blake huffed and smile.

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A Very Big Change

She walked off back to the entrance to find that missing rabbit doctor. day 16: juan walked down the hallway nervously. she knew her body transformed recently, but she couldn't keep track of what even changed.

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Zach's Night OUt

"oh, f'course not miss bunny, we've got a little while to all meet up and talk before we should be putting the little guys back to bed.

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