(Seemingly) Endless Sea

Getting across the sea and to new south asia was the easiest part... now he and his new ally, had to make it across a vast land to frozen death's home. asia was now an underpopulated region, with barely any anthro-made areas.

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There Goes the Neighborhood: Concept and Explanations

A small portion of the first machines stayed behind, leaving humanity with their new ally, disappearing into the reaches of interstellar space to continue to grow and evolve in peace. and now we come to modern day.

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Burning Love Like a Phoenix Ch 3

Tetsuzaemon asked, while our new ally mage grinned almost evilly and chuckled, to the point where i saw some of us have our collective hairs stand on end.

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Cosmic Stars - Epilogue

"their new allies are the threat, and they will start hunting us down." "the guardians have the largest fleet, and weapons specifically targeted for killing the converters," remarked one of the vocal aliens. "why are the others such a threat, elder?

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Will-OtheFirefox Prolodge

#2 of will-othefirefox the prologue to will-othe firefox, learn about how his family is betrayed, brother kidnapped, parents killed and a new ally will-o was outside with his father. he is 16 and his powers were just coming in and his father was training

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TLOS; Darkness Rises: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: a new ally? spyro and cynder recently made to the dragon temple and the dragon elders and surviving dragons are still asleep. -spyro what should we do first? cnyder asked. -we should announce our arrival to the dragon elder.

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The Good Days-Prophecey

new ally? new foes? read and find out. erin,john and co. just arrived in oreburgh city. it smelled of machines,rocks,and sweat? "finally"they said in unison"ill be first to battle roark!"both erin andjohn sighed.

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The Outlander 3 33

We've got ourselves a new ally," sandokhan continued. "who?" dressed in full armour, gash emerged from the shadows. mattimeo, wataru and tigerlilly drew their weapons. "what is the meaning of this?" said wataru. "hold on now.

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Estrasa's Tower: Prologue

Estrasa's power was only growing, and she cultivated new allies, either from those willing to submit to her power or those who were turned by it.

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I'm Glad 'cause I'm Finally Returning Home 2

Jay picked up each bundle and handed them to each of his companions, and though they came back with only a few sores and headaches and the acquiring of new allies, arya can't help but think that she has failed yet again.

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A chronicle of Lunrba family: Contracts

Lunbiv always questioning about making a new ally but after who knows how many time he died and reborn, he stopped try to make new ally.

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Zero Point: Chapter 4- Downtime

Brian arched an eyebrow at his new ally. he was hesitant to call her a friend, but she had been through some really rough shit.

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