Blue: Chapter 7

The door led into a secret room with soundproofing covering the walls and a single table sitting in the center of it with two chairs. red gestured to one of the chairs in front of him. "please, sit."

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Blue: Chapter 20

~~ab~~ the small black rabbit hid inside the secret room in red's office. he was scared. raziel had made him watch as he tortured his father mercilessly, and had promised him the same fate if he failed in this mission. his name was hesediel.

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Yelmi Chapter 2 "Banishment"

"i found it in a secret room under a cave." he answered. his hands shivered as he picked up the sword, gripping it tight. he didn't have time to ask questions, he needed to get to the counsel of fate quickly.

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Draykan's Discovery 1

Stopping in front of the wall, he feels the breeze, digs his fingers in, and, with a mighty roar, tears the wall apart to reveal the secret room within. into the chamber, the aura of magic creates a static hum all over draykan's scales.

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Mario, Our Princess Is...Um...

There, in the secret room, was princess peach, her long underwear dangling uselessly from one leg, her pink dress hiked up to reveal her smooth crotch. in the last castle, they'd just kissed...a lot.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 51: There Are No Happy Endings (Conclusion)

I suspected a secret room behind the bookcases. it wasn't until i pulled on a book whose title said 'invitation' that the bookcase moved two inches to the side. there was a secret room- a bedroom.

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Red Twilight World Walker Chapter 12 A Plan for Attack

Snarky harm points down the passage "you will find your payment waiting for you in celveant's secret room." intently seeker realizes she has been cheated, if harm had not distracted her she would have investigated the secret room on her own.

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Commission: MLP - Secret Royal Tournament Finale

Yes, but she knew that it wouldn't be easy and had no intention of imagining that he was going to go easy on her just because this was her first time down in this secret room.

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Mama Beast and Daughter Beast

I found this secret room!" "get out of here before you hurt yourself!" said sharon. "oh mom," said bethany, "nothing's going to..." the shimmering lines on the wall glowed, and the ambiguous lines were given clairty in their light.

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the big battle

I ran to the secret room were the eggs were and i saw cynder and spyro there and the eggs were slowly moving, signalling they were about to hatch. i held a small device in my hand and held it out. "agumon, lunamon and gaomon, realise."

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Family Guy: Stewie's Play Time

Brian dropped to the floor, stewie turned the bear off pushed the bear into the secret room. \*\*\*30 minutes later\*\*\* stewie grabbed a throng went to brian kneeled down brushed his head against brian's dog hood slapped on the throng on the dogs

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College Brings About Change pt3

The lights dimmed, and van heim exited the secret room. "i assume you heard all of that?" he said, his back still to bruce. "h-how?" bruce stammered, caught off guard. van heim only chuckled.

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