
Anika was about two miles away, woke from the blast and felt the shock-wave. because of the immensity of the damage, no one in the surrounding towns knew exactly what had happened for hours.

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Hunter Or Hunted? Io

Then i feel the shock wave and hear the bang of the rifle again. their main problem is the fact that they all stopped to reload at the same time.


The Machine - PART IV

The grenade exploded while still in the air and the shock wave hit him in the face like a hot fist. the robot absorbed most if it and bullets continued to thunder at its shields. then finally it had built up its force field.

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Alien Bodysuit Maker Chapter 1

She screams, as a shock wave of pleasure comes over her. he smiles and gurgles as he laughs as he shoves the probe into her cunt. a sharp scream comes from her. she struggles and pulls the straps as the alien probes her repeatedly.

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Hallow - Chapter 1 - Part 1

Her death brought shock-waves throughout the city.

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Vexen's Own Story! Part 2

As the shock wave settled, i slowly rose to my feet, being greeted with bill running pass me, his clothes burnt off as he ran about in his old, saggy and wrinkled glory. turning the other way, i felt a sharp pain in my heart. and there he was. watson.

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I braced myself just a moment before the shock wave hit my perch in a fury that nearly lifted me from my feet and tore the ground apart beneath me. i stumbled back and gritted my teeth, but my eyes never left the growing fiery expanse.

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Uninvited Guests/Round 2

He also knew this one had rain dance, charge, thunder wave, thundershock, thunderpunch, shock wave, thunderbolt, zap cannon, thunder, and volt tackle.

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Zatha's lineage-Uncut

Every time it drove that shaft savagely into her it sent shock waves of pleasure through her battered body and mind.

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War on the Home Front: Chapter 1: Invasion

"we were just hit by the shock wave of the blast. even miles away, it is enough to shatter windows and knock us off our feet.

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PokeNNN - Round 29

The same thing was happening to him as dony before but in a much more accelerated way and he vomited his semen until with a powerful bang, the rhydon was hit against the wall by the shock wave and all the cum painted white on the screen.

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Chiricov- Back Story: Part 1

All three of us were launched off our feet from the shock wave. i was still conscious, and i tried to stand, but i couldn't. i crawled over to my mother, now lying on the ice in a pool of red blood.

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