Dragonheart Part 13

At the same moment drew a shooting star in the sky vorbei.auf the streets were still a lot of activity, then that stopped abrubt, when the sky was filled with a sudden shooting stars.

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Duel of Destiny - Special Edition: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon vs Scar-Red Nova Dragon

"now go, shooting star! attack stratos!", ryu shouted. shooting star unleashed a powerful aura that just looked like it, and the aura blasted stratos into dust. (satoshi's lp: 8000 -\> 6500). "blue-eyes, direct attack!".

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New Year's Wish (Anthro Polar Bear TF/TG/MC) [TRADE]

After jack spoke those words, it seemed like the shooting star evaporated from the sky, which caused jack to stand up straight. "what the...?" as the shooting star vanished it began a series of changes for jack.

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The Journey

-it is not a shooting star, so little is just one. puzzled, the little girl tries to see the same as your mother, but only after some time the "star" is divided into two parts, following parallel paths, but in different directions.

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Monster Hunter Chronicles of the New World: Training Wheels

"a person that no matter how much you chased after you could never catch just like a shooting star?" samantha's voice became soft and muse frowned.

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Ashes To Ashes Chapter 2 : The Beginning

She was sitting by her window, gazing at the stars when suddenly she caught the sight of the brightest shooting star she had ever seen.

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A little taste

Know present yourself, shooting star" "mhh... i'm not a shooting star..." "don't play dumb with me. you just fall from the sky, in a ball of flame.

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City Wish (Rita TF TG) [REQUEST]

A shooting star! jeff pushed himself up with his arms behind him as he looked up at it. he had heard about wishing when one saw one, and decided to do just that. "i wish i knew how to live in the city!"

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Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 6

The cards return, draco-equiste firing for every spell, as well as absorbing shooting star dragon's energy. rose: i use shooting star's effect, checking the top five cards of my deck.

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Love is Only Love

Don't look for shooting stars for love is only love you touch and still you touch the ground don't listen for those bells for love is only love and if it's love you've found your heart won't hear a sound and you hold his hand you only hold

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Peppermint Stick

All he'd had was ice cream, a shooting star sighting, and ... kisses from her. the stronger ambrosia, for sure.

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No Work For Today

Anakani: (whispers) and cue shooting star. a single shooting star passed through the night sky causing destiny to smile as she anxiously made her wish.

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