Slave Camp - Fun Times Behind
Slave Camp - Fun Times Behind Kerra waited unhappily, kneeling on a warm slate floor. The room was filled with hot tubs in which her fellow slaves were relaxing, being given a chance to recuperate after the day's third class. It was only the...
Minnie Goes Big (Full Story)
And she liked to fancy herself a 'size queen' - ha!
Hey, look! Fae's alive, and he's writing! Yes, I'm back to my old tricks again. This is just a little piece of flash fiction-y porn to get the juices flowing again, and then I'll be all ready and rearing to go for Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special...
Drifting through the long night
Drifting through the long night By Bunnyboy This story and the characters within are copyrighted to himself.bunnyboy Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between an adult male and male cubs. So if your too young or...
Double R. Hood and B.B. Wolfe: Part 2
_There's really no pretense of even loosely following a fairy tale here, though I considered doing a parody of one. Instead, it's straight up, hardcore, explicit, detailed, spoogey, semi-violent, good ol' fashioned sex, from start to finish. ...
Making new friends is easy
Ever wonder what happens when you're drunk, incredibly horny and feeling creative? This! Anypoop, if ya don't know anything about kettle bells or English Terriers, do a search on Youtube ;) "Oy mate'you gonna use the thirties?"......
Commission - Relax Queen 2, Left Agape
It was no question that holly was a size queen, but few would truly realize how far she took that life.
Two Weeks - 5 A Bunny Interlude
_See? I can write normal smut too! The usual disclaimer applies._ "Alan! Have you called your uncle like your mother asked?" It was the rabbit's step father, an old goat. Though his features were grayed, he always stood tall, well dressed and...
The Succubus and the Size Queen: Seduction for Ladies (erotic eBook teaser)
Please e-mail the following address for further information. **the succubus and the size queen** ** ** **seduction for ladies** "yes... there's a good slut...
A Peeping Tom
It was a beautiful day at a local spa in town, the name of the spa read "Heaven On Earth" where people from all over the world come to relax and enjoy themselves, all sorts of furrie species came from near and far, even humans from time to time. In...
One Big Cat
It was the early afternoon in the jungle, the sky was clear and blue, the sun shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. A boy was laying his back to a tree, trying to relax near a tall grass field, the boy was white with amber eyes and long dark hair,...
Double R. Hood and B.B. Wolfe: Part 1
_Story based on a picture by Lunarwolf []( Kind of a quickie story... I don't think I've done Lunarwolf's picture justice, but it was just too good of a picture not...