The Greatest Gift - Poem by Supremacy Kills

The Greatest Gift The fires of candlelight flicker and dance,As on this night your eyes stare off in trance.You make a silent wish in your heart,And your breath tears the flames apart.But on this night I know,Even as the stars we see begin to...

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Vatch's Big Stick ( DitD Fan Fiction )

Vatch paused on his descent down the long, narrow stone staircase. A strange mixture of dread and excitement mingled in the diminutive urd'thin. Since Alia Silverrain had been banished from the dungeons, it had fallen to him to act as warden to the...

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Take it Slow...

* * * There's a light, a flash, When you live too fast... You forget all the time That you have... Take it slow, and let it flow, Breathe in deeply through Your nose, For like a river, Your soul shall flow... No matter where...

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Spiked Ranch (Anthro Dragon TF) [GIFT]

He dipped the tip of the pizza in the gifted ranch and took a bite. he had to admit that was some of the best ranch he had ever had. he ate the pizza rather quickly, using up the entire bowl. he let out a sigh of bliss and leaned back. that was tasty.

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Chris-tal Ball (Anthro Gardevoir TF/TG) [GIFT]

Chris was sitting at his home studying hard. Finals were coming up and he wanted to be sure that he'd ace them with flying colors. He kept to himself that day, not getting into any conversations to ensure that he wouldn't get distracted by anything. As...

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Easter Eggs in a Basket

the gift basket was cleared as the scanner pinged and the cash register opened.

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A Very Interesting Discovery - Part One

A Very Interesting Discovery The young dragon looked around, sniffing the air with his keen sense of smell. He was scared, looking around the dark forest with a cautious pair of golden eyes. He hissed at the air, the agitation of his captors finally...

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(F tf Stuffed Animal) Bonnie stared into her fireplace with a thousand-yard gaze, cradling a mug of hot chocolate like it was a baby. Snow fell in the background in giant flakes outside. It was absolutely freezing outside with gusts of wind...

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The Gift

As Paul sat there in his room, he covered his head, trying to block out his parent's voices that where still yelling in his ears. Hey lay in his bed, this pillow wet with tears, and him curled up, too many tears shed already, he just sat there with a...

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**Gifts** Wolf carefully unwrapped the white gauze encircling the top-left portion of his face, keeping a wary eye trained on the little bathroom mirror. It had already been a few weeks after the surgery, but he had kept the bandage on,...

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The Gift

**the gift** the internet seemed to hold no respite for the beleaguered fox.

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The Gift

._ thomas placed the gift on the floor in the living room and knelt down in front of it. the suspense was killing him, he desperately wanted to know what was in this present. impatiently he pulled the ribbon undone, it slid off the gift fairly easy.

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