The Werewolf of Odessa - Chapter 9 - A Hunting We Will Go

Vikki tried various combinations of military ranks with his last name. not nearly so bad as when it was combined with his first name. then a thought struck her.

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Ben's Electroshock Treatment

For the next half hour, he sat there as various combinations of arm and leg would tingle and twitch under the very light current while the doctor recorded the parts of the cat's brain that

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Grrlfriend Experience (Parts 4 - 6)

They carefully divided and dissected the desserts, each feeding the other various combinations of ice cream and cake, the raccoon taking the time to explain what some of the local tropical flavors were.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 22 [Part1] (Kinyar)

I kept up my attack, using various combinations of punches and kicks, switching stances to counter his changes, but malakye kept up his defence. he wasn't even trying to counter. i expected better than this!

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[Commission] Experimentation

She'd been unable to say anything intelligible since he started, merely whimpering 'oh', 'darko', and 'god' in various combinations, and moaning wordlessly as pulses of pleasure spread out from her groin to fill her small body, tickling along her nerves and

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Oath to Order 1

Kuzuhamon had been sitting on a rock near the entrance, fiddling with some kind of small rubics cube looking device, withdrawing and adding small blocks to it as she spun the various combinations together like a puzzle.

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Slick Run, Ep. 1

combinations of the two; long headbands wrapped around hair either too short or too long; boots as heavy as the people they supported; big guns, big knives, big one-liners.

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To Heal Him

He had tried asking questions to it, tried every button in various combinations, and had even smacked it around a few times. but apparently, whatever the voice was, had decided to keep him in the dark for now.

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A Bump in the Night 23(Fanmade): Epilogue

The group soon moved to the mattresses and began and began experimenting with various combinations of poles, holes and toys.

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Seeds Of Life II - Awakening

various combinations and permutations flittered through everyone's minds, and the general feeling of shock was replaced by amusement. gosh nudged lister. "so... wanna bet?" lister pondered.

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Heated Week IV: Trouble at the club

We passed several doors and saw a number of other couples or groups of threes roaming around, men women, human and not, all mushed together in various combinations and all of them either drunk or on their way there.

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Chronicles of B-man- Wolf Arc Part 1

Wolf blocked and dodge the boys various combinations before driving b-man into the ground then lifted him up by the neck and threw him to the side.- "keep this up and you will" -wolf growled again as his eyes shifted back to night's- "h.. hurry..
