A Dream Chp: 11 Captured

I open my eyes and i am in a sterile white room on a metal bed. i look around trying to find rose but i can't see her.

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Perverted Paradise - Part 2

#2 of perverted paradise toby and his friends were kidnapped by a group of masked strangers and woke up in a strange white room.

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Rik pushed the door open and walked into a completely sterile, pure white room, and approached the nurse, who was writing something on some document that was of no importance to him.

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A Nightmare: Chapter 2

Polybius seemed as indifferent as ever as a figure started to emerge from the black swirling nothingness into the almost glowing white room. folvos glanced around the white room desperately trying to piece together what had happened.

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Dragon's Scent

He saw the white room. he looked around to see the door in front was burnt down. he walked up and touched it the door fell over. he walked further to the stairs. everything else was far burnt. as he walked up most of the walls were removed.

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Karma for Sil

Behind these females were long lines of large dracian males, who looked very much like the large ugly brown dracian male that sil saw in the white room.

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Virtual Dreams / Introduction: Technology of Tomorrow

The lizard rose an arm, shading them for a moment before he slowly lowered it, frowning slightly as he looked down at his hands... and then he stared around wildly as he realized he was now standing in a white room instead of sitting in a chair, and he was

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#3 of stories story i just feel like making stories(real reason i'm taking a break from poems temporarily) buut this wassss going to be a poem but the words weren't coming to me your in a purple and white room walls adorned with pictures and string leading

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_ _ _ she opened her blue eyes to find herself in a pure white room - so white that the room itself seemed to glow. there was nothing anywhere near her, and from what she could feel, she was strapped down tightly.

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Never Let You Go (Part II)

So, while all the prison guards dealt with the other prisoners at the gate, i stealthily picked the lock to the white room, picked up the steel chair... and threw it through the mirror."

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The First Door

_ there, in his mind, in a white room that he despised, with a door opening onto a tiny closet with a wedding gown spiked to a wall, zachary parker laughed. [!

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Fur one and fur all! (Part 9)

The only objects in the stark, completely white room were a door and a recliner, both straight out of a sci-fi movie. i was currently sitting on the white recliner, disturbed only by some brown hairs and a few drops of blood, fresh.

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