Missing In Action - Chapter 4 - Marathon

Entering sadr city baghdad, iraq 0835 hours (local time) lieutenant frank farrel's convoy cruised down the main highway into the sadr city area of baghdad, the m1a1 abrams tank at the head of the convoy knocking debris and ruins out of their path

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Pepper VS Temptation - Part 9

abrams, gillon, and tsubumi all jumped out of their chairs and pointed their guns at me. gillon staggered to his feet more than jumped due to his busted ankle.

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Daughter of the Hunt Ch. 01 [TF / Werewolf]

" * * * "mary wollstonecraft," professor abrams announced, pointing at an image of a portrait.

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Pepper VS Temptation - Part 11

abrams and gillon lit it up with their pikl units since they could see the tentacles that had lost camouflage. it soon stopped cold, smoke rising from it.

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Hunter's Moon: Counter-Attack

"yesterday afternoon, warlord out" bert abrams broke off. the time piece in the cp read 17:15. the forty-one year old general had served with petraeus in iraqi freedom.

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A tear fell from private abrams eye as the airlock doors opened.

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Charlemagne's Stolen Secret - Part 3

Just like abrams said. abrams, the only person here, other than me, who suspected something was up." i scoffed. "and now a billionaire has a powerful stolen npo." "what does it do?" abrams asked. "that's beyond your clearance," i said.

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Birthright - Chapter 2

An abrams pulls up, its main gun aligned on an enemy tank. the orc tank fires first, the shot flying straight and true, slamming into the armor on the abrams.

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Ty's Scoop - Chapter 2

"don't play stupid abrams. i was just driving off myself this afternoon when i saw that kid throw the rock at you and break the window.

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Hunter's Moon: Leave No Stone Unturned

We will finish this" general abrams replied stoically. a clawed hand pulled the human general's head to the side. abrams then saw that he was face to muzzle with one of the lycans.

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Point 89

It was the only thought running though 2nd lieutenant harriet's mind as he sat within the giant roaring and rolling piece of steel known only as an m1a2 abrams tank.


War on the Home Front: Chapter 2, Lock and Load

Our abrams are drawing their tanks away from the rest of the grous while sniper and strikers prick thier troops and draw them out. its working. their chasing us down, and we slowly start lossenig up our attacks, and throwing up weaker defenses.

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