Chapter 5 - "Our Main Course this Evening: The Shattering of the Shroud of Shadows"

Five balls of fire erupted in the middle of space, and impossibility; the dragons emerged, roaring in the silence of the airless space. "sir we were wrong," a deck hand warned. "what do you mean!"

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Webshow Hijinx: All Good Things

Both had been there awhile, their puffy tongues lolling from slack jaws and cheeks a disquieting shade of blue that spoke volumes of the airlessness which had claimed their lives.

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Treter: Pups Hiniss

Onto that movement, both me and hazzor flinched when we heard wovan shouted into the airless night "found them!" "bring both of them here!" i responded without hesitation as the two coyotes committed to the cause.

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Trouble in Paradise

They relaxed their wings and tendrils, took a deep but airless breath, and said: "i feel... empty. like i'm in a swamp, rotting on the inside, no water to sculpt and no light to cleanse.

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Richard the Bat

The gas would remain in the room for another ten minutes, before it too was sucked out and the room would return to an airless state for another ten minutes. the press applauded these death rooms saying that they gave the cubs a peaceful death.


Daddy's Little Girl: Chapter One

All over her body, creases and folds in her flesh normally stagnant and airless were aerated by the perfectly conditioned water. despite the chill in the air, it was not a pastime that pricilla could see herself doing without.

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Nalkhan and the Unexpected Dinner

Tezz sloshed around in a panic as he tried to find his phone so he could contact help, but the belly was completely airless now. soon his brain switched gears to the burning in his lungs.

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A Major Miscalculation

It was making her so hot, so horny to be so airless. her head was starting to spin, her thoughts confused in a drunken, airless haze. without much more teasing, she finally released her maw.

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Bowser's Hobby

Despite himself, he let out another bubbly moan as his cock started throbbing at his touch, feeling so sensitive from the water pressure and the airlessness.

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 7

The scariest thing however was that there was nothing between his smooth, shiny skin and the endless airless void. it was his fifth day on the job and he still wasn't used to it.

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Execution Tag: Con's Highdive (snuff)

He was drowning, doomed to his airless fate, as dizziness spun his head around and his vision wavered. he was feeling a hot burning need in his lap that matched the intensity of his lungs need for air.

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The Slave

Soon enough, they had disappeared past his jaws, and spent their last few moments of life suffocating in his dark, airless belly, long before his acids could do their work.

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