Radasus vs Jeked 1

"forgive my more analytical representation," the goblin woman said, grabbing a glass handed to her by a three-armed goblinoid. "he often puts business ahead of any sort of pleasure, save for his flair of the theatrics." "and... you are...?"

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The Club (Teaser)

Those analytical green orbs of hers centered on the male. at first, she thought he might be a german shepherd. his coloring was similar to that of a black shepherd; however, he was not all black.

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Raiyev Part 9

_geez_, raiyev thought silently, _it feels so superficial to say it in such an analytical tone_. he took to his general workstation by thomas and asked what the status quo was.


The Plot Thickens

"can we stop being so analytical and just go in?" i watched from some trees as logan and lilly scouted ahead, tiptoeing around the unconscious guards.

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DC Criminal Profile: Ironsight

Due to his superior analytical skills, sandoval is able to determine how objects and even some defender abilities operate by merely watching them.

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Scientifically Seduced

His analytical abilities were second to none so she needed him despite his personality. she really didn't want to confront him today but she'd been putting off the reports for several days now and they couldn't wait any longer.

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Than the voice in her head, the one that is always reminding us what we are supposed to do, chimed in with it's usual analytical grace, reminding her that she was the captain now, and had to act like it.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 20 - The Trek

Aside from being so powerful, he was a brilliant strategist: his analytical mind had rapidly took notice that the world would be wiped out of all things worth consuming within a few years. and so he had made a contingency plan...

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 2

"uh-huh," david said, staring at his son analytically. "what's the guy's name that has so you interested in this club?"

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Fusozay Var Var

K'bari began to thrust into him, and all emotionally analytical thoughts vanished quickly. deeh had slept with women before, of course, but this was something altogether...different. the spell had worn off, but deeh no longer needed it.

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485 Cinnamon Dark

She analytically contemplates the entire range of possible origins for it, from ancient civilization to azatlani fish pond, despite very awkward and conversation-halting prospects that they may attempt to gut her, chuck her into the tank (possibly whilst still

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Guarded - Episode 9

You're old and set in your ways, but i suggest that if you want to keep your job, you take some classes or something on studying social network analytics.

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