Daddy's little girl.

Lilly twitched her ears a few times as she sat on the stool in front of her mirror, a small table between her and the mirror with her brushes and such laid out on it. Lilly was 19 years old but she looked a year or so older then she actually was....

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When they first met.

Jayce panted heavily as he sat back against a tree while holding his side. He had gotten into a fight with a large male panther that had wondered to far into the wolves boarders. Jayce hadn't been prepared for a fight which led the to panther getting...

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An unexpected twist.

It had been a few days since Belle had been attacked at the school library. She had been given two or three weeks to recover and heal from the attack, the school and most of the students sending her cards and flowers. Even with being sore and...

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Becoming his pet.

Dean stood his ears up and stared at Celeste who was still straddling his lap with a bright blush and small grin on her face. The wolf was floored by what she had said to him and couldn't hide nor deny the fact he was hard as a rock now. He blinked...

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There is no safe place.

A few days passed since Crystal had gone into heat at work. They made up for the missed day of work by going over time which Crystal didn't seem to mind and she seemed to enjoy having an actual job. She was sitting in the break room at the store...

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Can't hide forever.

Crystal shifted a bit in the bed with a soft sigh coming from her. It had been a few days since coming to the cabin with Jason and Bonnie was sending them updates on Dale flipping out and demanding that she be found. Crystal didn't pay attention....

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Attack in the Library.

A few days passed since Belle and Andy had been on the school roof together. It was now Monday morning and Andy was rushing to get ready. He and Belle had been up with each other studying for tests until they passed out cold against each other. Andy...

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A shy fox changes.

Dean soon knocked on the door to the club. Shiva pulled the door open and let him in. She looked at Celeste as she followed him inside. Shiva shut the door and locked it then looked to the two of them. "Alright wolf boy any idea on how we do this?"...

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The night she met him.

Celeste slammed the front door shut behind her and took off down the road. It was on in the morning and as usual her father was drunk off his ass and her mother was off whoring around with different men. The fox folded her ears back as she pulled her...

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Belle's heat. Chapter three

The fox let out a loud sneeze and laid his head back against his locker at school. Andy grumbled and shook his head a bit. He was just getting over a cold that he had the last few days. At the moment he was in school, his friends around him talking...

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Winter Purposal. Chapter two.

"FREEDOM! " Andy held his arms up to the sky while his friends around him were laughing at him. " No more homework till we get back from Christmas!!" Andy grinned to his friends but soon let out a soft grunt then looked down to see Belle hugging him...

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Ruby's double surprise.

Ruby shifted a bit on top of Blaze as she started to wake up, her phone ringing in his room where she had left it. She quickly moved off of him, her knee hitting the edge of the table. " DAMN IT!" She almost fell back on the couch, rubbing her knee...

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