When the end comes a beginning starts (end to the end times part 1)

The city lied in ruin, families lied in the street where they were slaughtered the massacre had come without warning and been as merciless as it was through none surviving the bloodbath, or at least that was the idea.

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The Secret War- Part Two

I'd prefer not to go into form and allow this to become a bloodbath." "right." zahel responded while gently and easily picking up the curvy feline. "we bring her with us?" "no. bring her with you. i'll use the crystal. i'll communicate later."

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 26

It would have been a bloodbath! countless deaths on both sides! i didn't want that... i didn't want anyone to die..." ander stopped. "even after everything, i still thought of you all as my family, but i'm just... so tired of all this.

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Tales of Shadowheart chapter 5

I'm leading a troop into battle, against villages, towns, cities even, and every time it ends in a bloodbath. it scares me to death." the very thought of such a thing sent shivers down her spine.

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue III

Do you tell aramil to prepare for a bloodbath?** "relax, elfie. you people are too uptight." you slink off into the darkness before anyone else catches sight of you, rejoining taaru at the point your split apart from.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 26

It would have been a bloodbath! countless deaths on both sides! i didn't want that... i didn't want anyone to die..." ander stopped. "even after everything, i still thought of you all as my family, but i'm just... so tired of all this.

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The Human Species Ch. 82 - Cardinal Master Red

Her heart palpitated at an alarming rate and her body was tingling all over with the same kind of feeling she got after just having finished carving up an unfortunate victim, about to take her first dip into the bloodbath.

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Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 10

#11 of confessions of a dragon: my memiors of my time on earth confessions of a dragon: chapter 10 aftermath bloodbath: well, that was exciting... too exciting. finally caught that killer, and in the act too.

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The End of Star Wolf

The team only stared at each other as wolf and his team left the dungeon while outside fang was giving wolfs men a real bloodbath as they tried to pile on him only to be burned by his fire abilities and blasted away by a sonic boom he created by thrusting

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Halo -chapter 4

A bloodbath started in front of patrick, fazing him out. seth looked at his blank eyes and shook him; "c'mon patrick, we gotta run!" one of the blue team slipped past the feud and made a lunge for the flag which was cut short by seth barging into him.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 5b, Convergence (Pt 1)

Them recognize friar arlowe, and the soldiers are heading right back to newport where his whereabouts will be relayed to the inquisitors. d) the three arrive as combat comes to a close-- nobody in the party was seriously injured but the whole scene is a bloodbath

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Doomsday Dragon

The moment the beast strikes, it was a bloodbath beyond anything the military and interrealm could encounter. when j'exa tells the beast to show them what he is capable of, he obliges and stands firm.

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