Victoria Kitty (Anthro Industrial Steam Punk)

Miss gives us our chalk boards and we get in our seats. my chalk is gone, but jenny has a piece so she gives it to me. we start with the two times table.

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Start the War

When she reached the designated part, she picked up the chalk, which was now floating in the aura. it was moist, and felt like pure evil. she drew the pentagram, but unlike normal chalk, it drew out his blood. october didn't flinch.

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Desert Wind: 1.2

A piece of chalk levitated from the desk, faintly illuminated by a translucent blue aura. the chalk sketched a series of letters in the modern script. "this is an incantation, the magical words used to invoke magic.

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The Summoner

The chalk runes first started glowing, then burst into flame, charring the pattern into the floor. good thing the inn was coming out of her cut.

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Airelus, Chapter 0 ~Prologue

Regardless, i hope people enjoy the chapter as much as i liked writing it the smell of chalk filled cedrick's nostrils as he entered the empty classroom.

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The Perils (Or Benefits) of Amateur Witchcraft

Rebecca drew the summoning circle on her wood floor with chalk, following the instructions from the old tome very carefully.

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A demoness's playtoy: prologue

Bending over the chalk outline on the floor, the ruler of the small duchy of elaric focused on making sure he had everything perfect.

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Clyx - Chapter 27 - Detention

The chalk touched it. she began to apply some force and ::tink, tink:: the chalk fell from her quaking grasp. michelle craned her head to see past her belly to the white writing implement on the floor.

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(Furry satire) Joining the furry fandom

He finished writing the animals then placed the chalk in the holder. "you only have a choice between these animals." andrew stated while pointing his finger at the board. "umm...that's not exactly freedom of choice." i stated to andrew.

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Infernal Pact

The materials were simple, some chalk to draw with, candles and an assortment of strange plants and herbs: i lit the candles around the room, letting off a warm glow as i started to work on the magic circle.

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The History Teacher

Grabbing a piece of chalk, he looked up at the great black thing in front of him and placed the chalk to the porcelain. just as he did so, he was interrupted. kevin jumped in surprise as he felt a large form press up against him from behind.

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Shadows of Elysium, Chapter 3

chalk mark after chalk mark, though, they found their way back from where they came. several times, judas dragged the lioness down the wrong tunnel. he kept fading in and out, and wasn't always aware of everything around him.

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