When Fox Knew

"be my guest, chum." i said. deadpan. just like that. hah. corneray, i could be an ass back then. falco, matron bless him. shrugged and began eating. didn't even flinch. that was our first meeting.

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Serval and Sheep Prologue: SIDE SERVAL

His reputation of being a total brick wall makes chumming it up with him a waste of time, effort, and resources.

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"if it looks like you might want to release a chum mine to deal with the interloper go right ahead." jason grins and grabs a rust proof saw as members of his underwater patrol joins him without question.

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League of Legends - The Dragon Incident (VORE)

He just needed to get close enough that he could fling some chum and call the titanic beast. renekton made no signs of moving, and fizz was near the cavern's entrance.

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An Animal Crossing Story

"here it is, chum," he said, removing the lid from the box. inside the box was a pair of shoes. they were made shined to be tip-top shape, and had a small pump in the back of them.

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Part I – Dark Times in Glow City

He threw a chum covered whitebeater shirt and bdu camo pants in the living room, joining an already festering pile of soiled laundry in a corner there.

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"get suckin, unless ya want me turn you to chum, i'll teach you not so sass me... you little furball!" ordered the shark. the shark was getting fed up with the trembling feline, so he grabbed his head and forced his mouth on his dicks.

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Setting up the story

This was not the first time i was pushed somewhere desolated by a black dog, the scent was different, the air was clean, the dog chummed happily behind me... and i felt at ease... mostly. "dwight you gotta make a move before this year ends."

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 14

Salem and eric and all their chums had moved, and now all of them were dead, lying in the snow, their corpses surrounded by blooming red flowers as cold as the grave.

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A Holiday from the Expected

Rial issued one of his long suffering sighs, "at least the natives were friendly enough to fish us out of the drink before i became chum and you were stranded here all alone for goddess

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Hairy Potter-- beginnings

In order for hairy to fit in with his chums at school petunia had insisted her wear unfashionably baggy trousers and tighty-white shorts several sizes too small. this helped to camouflage his prodigious package.

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The Delivery

There were a few wolfs all chumming it up at one table, a large mule looking man at the piano and a few people sitting at the bar. it was early yet for a bar of any sort to really be busy so this must have been the early crowd.

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