Komara Aegissage Profile

Tyria cannot survive if we do not put might and cunning together. together, with the cunning of the humans and the strength of the charr legions, the elder dragons will find an unstoppable force.

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Ripples From My Mane - Chapter 3

"we still revere you as the lord of the hunt, cunning one. we are regarded by other followers of urion as backwards, behind the times, staunch traditionalists.

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Ragnarok - XX

The cunning weaponsmith is in command. not for nothing did those old myths maintain the god of cunning was the one to bring dark destiny at last: behold what cunning has shaped war into!

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Lore: Gods of the Ferroverse

He is also the god of inventors, alongside demok's knowledge, the cunning of thenitas must be used to see new perspectives and angles of the known to make something new. with knowledge, life, and cunning, soon comes conflict.

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Purest Heart

You must trap them in their own cunning and use their great and merciful hearts against them. for unlike the tales men spin unicorns can resist all temptation. all temptation but one.

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Join the Chorus

With cunning i decide when anger must be used, and from within myself these forces make who i am, who i will be. they are both my gift and my curse of which i draw strength and feel anguish.


[TravisBuchanan] Double Demon Disaster

"Aha! And now the _paladin_ is the one suggesting consorting with demons, is he?" Remys' maw was stretched out in an amused little smirk. The tiger was always so full of himself. "I thought I was a blasphemer and a heretic for making the suggestion two...

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Daddy's little angel

He said standing at the door just about to close it.** **"yes daddy, and goodnight" she said snuggling down in the blankets and falling asleep strate away.** **zeak just grinned a cunning grin.


"what a cunning and intelligent warrior," loktai said with pride. "what genius, what cunning! in only ten years, he managed to conquer all of the archemeniad empire and even part of our lands!

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Reaper: Hades - Sherry Stormrock

It was during a skirmish against the unsealed in pollenburn that she earned her moniker the 'scalpel of pollenburn' for her precision strikes and cunning.

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World of Terra Syn, part 1

The most cunning of these were the raptors, followed by the tyrannosaurs who had a penchant for violence, and then others came. and thus these forms were given life and multiplied on the land and they built ancient cities.

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Welcome to Golden Sun

So if your are blessed by the gods, cunning and just a little lucky, you just may be a ruler of the world... destiny waits with all that you desire in one hand and a dagger of doom in her other, all this waits within your grasp!

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