George And The Dragon Warrior

Said the warrior dargon. george smiles and laughs. "i like that idea! it's neat, simple and funny!" kran smiles at the idea and agrees that he will deal with the black truck when night comes. george nods.

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Knot Your Average Elevator Story

As she perused my gallery of dargon-con, i couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within me. she seemed to inch closer and closer into my lap, her body pressed against mine in all the right ways.

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The Factions of the Modern City

There were two female skunks, one male armadillo, two male wolves, allen, and a male dargon. "please tell me i did not have sex. on top of that, tell me it was not with another male."

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A Competition to Remember

This is a commission for dargon on sofurry! a kobold and a dragoness are taking part in a little competitive fighting with a sexy twist... stories are available two weeks earlier on my patreon, and rough drafts even earlier!

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A Competition to Remember: Part 2

A commission here for dargon! continuing the series of lewd fights between lovely women, we have this doubles match :) fun ensues! stories are available two weeks earlier on my patreon, and rough drafts even earlier!

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The Factions of the Modern City 2

There were two female skunks, one male armadillo, two male wolves, allen, and a male dargon. "please tell me i did not have sex. on top of that, tell me it was not with another male."

A Good Enough Christmas Story

. \*\*\*\*\* **smash cut to teh dargon in het dungun** **\*\*\*\*\*** _hi its me off the weedz ur favorite write. ive practiced a lot and now i can right better i hope you like it.

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A Story Of Many Stories

The leader of metaboanthro, dargon, has been recruiting people for his army to stand up against the people who consider hybrids outcasts. pretty soon, the hybrids are going to conquer the world.