The End Is Queer

Days while our minds create their darkest plays the wheel of time keeps turning while our souls are slowly burning of my problems i do think as i watch our world cross over the brink i give up on life for i am tired of all the strife but before i

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The Day I Meet a Hero Chapter FourS

The sorrow we have is what keeps us together in the darkest nights, the darkest tunnels, and the darkest day. we will always have a family. one stronger then all others! one that will never die and live on to the brighter light!

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Legends of Mundus Ch 10-11

Ch.10: the darkest night three months passed after making arcadius their new home, and after those three months of preparing they are now ready for what will be forever known as the darkest night, the biggest war in history.

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Purest Heart

The purest spirit of the earth risks becoming the darkest of nightmares.

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Brief History of Galar

But despite the relative peace and tranquility, galarians have always feared that the next darkest day might soon arrive.

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~~~The Lonely Gloom~~~

~n~ hold them thru our darkest night and in to our brightest light. ~k~ you can't live life without a little pain.. ~n~ but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt109

#112 of pokémon - darkest taboo **part: one hundred & nine** **a** hsoka lent back against the seat in sordid little café, the coffee just like the tea was comparable to muddy water, blobs of partially dissolved whitener.

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Chapter 7 - The Darkest Day

Me again! Here with the newest chapter of The Choices of Fate. As usual, I recommend readers be familiar with the previous chapters before reading this. Luckily, Yiffstar keeps track of my story series and gives a link to every chapter at the top of...

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darkest shadows.....deepest passion

allright quick note...all characters belong to me... i am stormshadow....and steeling my name is like steeling a piece of me...this is my first please....please let me know how it works and what you think.... i would like to continue...

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Third Text: The Darkest Cloud

**_part 3: the darkest cloud_** 'need some air' lucky went out from the barn.

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Chapter 20 - Darkest Hour

"But that's IMPOSSIBLE!" shouted Eclypse as Diamond's skin changed colour, his face moulding from a long horses muzzle to a human females face. His fur disappeared, replaced by green skin and veins the poked to the surface on him. "Did you really...

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Chapter 5: Darkest hours.

# chapter 5: darkest hours "another dead end." gore growled and slammed a fist against the wall. he and seni stood outside of a cave entrance. a smooth wall blocked the way in. seni tried to manipulate the mountain.

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