Kayla: Green Vacation

It was difficult to see drakonian "parts" unless you tried fairly hard, without there being any obviously distinguishable creases in their hide.

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Xidon: Part 2

I followed, still a tad cautious about this drakonian. after all, it wasn't every day that you saw one, and it was better that most didn't. most drakonians tended to be very volatile, with short tempers and a immense strength.

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Kayla: A Day With Paul

Kayla turned and raked her little fox nails across his arm and claw with a quick swipe, getting a small 'yipe' out of him..well, in his own drakonian way at least.

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A Child's Need; Drakonian part 2

Then she asked if they were any complaints of drakonian parents who were abusive. another denial however, the other person said there was only one drakonian in the area and he was just a wanted criminal.

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Kayla: Enemy Tomorrow

drakonian parents held their children by the scruffs of their neck for a reason - it was simply fleshy enough.

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Kayla: Consequence Today

Gritting her sharp drakonian teeth, she quietly damned kayla for what had happened.

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Kayla: Forces in Movement

I can't pull her back up.", he quietly sobbed, trembling as another orange bolt struck inches away; metallic embers sprayed upon his drakonian friend's uniform.

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Kayla: Note from the Teacher

A drakonian stew was tonights choice, and she could only give her pot a happy smile once it was on the plasma stove and simmering.

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Legend: Darkelf of Justest

"oh ya i forgot i'm sorry dear" lizzy was only 10 in dragon years but becouse her mother was a drakonian her body acted and looked as a 16 year old drakonian's would.

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A Conflict of Interest

He wasn't a drakonian. i raised my weapon and faced him down yelling, "i.d.a.f! drop to the ground! hands on your head!" * * * "yeah? and i'm supposed to be scared of you?"

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Kayla: Mark of Penance

Groaning on sharp pain, he squirmed and coughed; a drakonian figure replacing where he once stood.

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - The End of Days

"aye sir," the drakonian replied. all of a sudden, she wasn't inclined to think about her new love interest.

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