Land of Death: The Lotus Flower: Chapter 1

Eight mags for my makarov, two hand grenades, one smoke canister, and a gas mask with three spare filters. kostya pulled his own vest and backpack from the wall.

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Wayward Scale, Wasteland Chapter 1, Evening's Awakening

" " i have no spare filters." " how bad is the air outside?" " still pretty bad." " alright, masks on." the scales all grabbed their masks and put them on. the host went to put on his mask, but the scales heard him say, " damn it, my filter is done.

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Waves of (Pink) Phosphor

The bat's telepathic mind filtering, flowing over his, sensing his emotions. wanting more. more of him. more mouse. and the rodent's honey-tan chest rising and falling. rising and falling. panting lightly.

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Behind the Counter

Myu's display instantly lost all sign of fluster as he kicked in his emotion filter, turning his head toward the direction of the door.

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Wastelands-Chapter 7

It had become much harder to breath as the filter clogged, and shortly after my head started to hurt, it was so stopped up that i had to change it. "hold up", i called after nat, "i gotta change my filter."

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"filters are deactivated, heating grill is warming as we speak." he said. though posessing no lips, he could speak fluently with ventriloquism.

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Test Run (Commission)

For the next hour the walls were bombarded by the squeak of pistoning rubber thighs as well as filtered and unfiltered panting.

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Furre Fuck Flick: Captive

Then she pulls the filter out of him, turning away as he gasps and nearly falls to the ground, the pressure in his dick suddenly gone.

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Cock and Baubles Torture

The filter was screwed into place and with his breathing restricted, the grey stallion's breaths became sluggish and hard, as air forced its way through the makeshift drugged filter, leaving every gasp tainted.

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Wastelands-Chapter 13

"water filters", i said setting the dog bowl full of charcoal down, "did you know you can filter water with rocks, cloth, sand, ash, charcoal and other such materials? it seems complicated, but it's fairly straight forward."

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He lifted the top of the jar, revealing it to be a filter rather than a lid. the soup of yellowish white slime inside clung to the filter elements, dripping.

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Under the Sundowner Part 03

Surprisingly the breathing filter looked like it was new. daniel started to put it on but zen stopped him. "the breather is in good condition and can easily be adjusted to fit but you'll have to get fresh filters for it.

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