End Game - Chapter 31 - And Release the Apocalypse

Lillymon screamed as she flew as fast as she could to move him out of the way, but was a fraction too late. izzy eyes flew open as his energy disappeared from his body.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 50 FINALE

He flew at love heart and swung at his neck. love heart flew straight up to dodge and swung his sword in a long arc, sending a beam of blue lightning down at the flesh golem bear.

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Chapter 7: Morning's Misfortunes

Spyro and cynder flew over the battle erupting below and flew directly over the tanks. they flew down and put the charges on them and just as quickly flew away.

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The Legend Of Spyro: Perils Of War CH 4

Hours flew past, and waves flew with them, eventually the waves got farther and farther apart. spyro heard a new sound from the horn, and the soldiers around him started cheering.

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 5

Edion flew up to meet them. "i hate to break up such a tender moment," he said, "but what the hell happened here?" elise flew into what remained of her office. "someone sent me a bomb. it wouldn't be the first time.

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 5 Aftermath

After the second barrage michael launched his giga destroyer, the missiles flew in the direction of the arrows. from the explosion dozens of.... angels flew? they were female anglels with six wing and some sort of an helmet.

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The Time of My Life Chapter 8 -- Gaming and War

He flew about ten feet before landing on the ground, ko'ed on the concrete street. i flew up to daez, whom was crying. i asked him and he said, "i can't stand to see you like this. it looked like you just killed him."

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 5

Edion flew up to meet them. "i hate to break up such a tender moment but what the hell happened here?" elise flew into what remained of her office. "someone sent me a bomb. it wouldn't be the first time.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 14: Small talk

Cynder shouted as she flapped her wings and flew towards deers, giggling all the way. "hey beautiful wait up!" spyro shouted and flew after her and sparx was left alone. "oh brother, not again... hmm... i wonder what bugs lives in this place?"

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Fire and Water: Love is Forever

The collector put us down and flew away. the guard at the far right detached from the wall and walked to us. it was atleast ten stories tall. i flew off and so did tanerro.

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The Last Dragonboy Chapter 3

I ducked low to the ground as balls flew over my head. i stood back up. as another ball flew at my lower body this time, i found myself jumping up to avoid it. but i did more than jump. i ended up flying!

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