Between Pallet and Viridian (Chapter 2 of my pokemon series)

#2 of pokemon series it was said to be a short day's walk from pallet town to viridian city, but it sure didn't seem that way with new trainers catching ratatta and pidgey during the day, and spinarak and hoothoot at night.

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 7)

Quickly followed by a single hoothoot significantly smaller than the two preceding it. obviously part of a family. watching the trio fly out of view, i returned my gaze to the horizon. images of the two leading birds remained in my mind.

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Eli and Nineales

Eli twisted and turned as he heard the hoothoots waking up and possibly other dark creatures. out of desperation he lit his tail orb up so he could maybe ward off any types of predators he may encounter.

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Chapter 2: First Timer Towards Pokedex.

Around the trees, there are small nesting hole where they faintly saw hoothoot is sleeping. the weird part is that most of the wild pokemon are less hostile and some even went to them and asked for a battle or two.

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Mama's gonna find you a hoothoot bird._ " ugh, just hearing it was making me sick. still, i had to stay silent and alert. the singing soon downgraded to humming, and then she stopped altogether after a few verses. my assistant sighed.

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Repel Girls: Episode 1 - Nothin' to be confused about!

A hoothoot? pidgey? sentret? maybe a kakuna, or a metapod? oh, please don't tell me you have a rattata... let me guess: 'it's in the top percentage of rattatas.'" judging by the scoff, that was a joke she'd heard one time too many.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mahogany Gym and Team Rocket Takeover

Next a bird keeper challenged me with a bird keeper and i sent out the new octillery having him unleash a super effective ice beam which defeated hoothoot. next was a pidgeotto who was also defeated with ice beam as well.

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RJ's Adventure - Chapter 3: A New Rival

I can give you a shinx, a hoothoot, and a cacnea for it." "sorry, but she, is not up for trade." "c'mon man, i'm giving you a great deal here, i'll even throw in some money. how much?"

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Wolf in a Different World: Chapter 3

I can give you a shinx, a hoothoot, and a cacnea for it." "sorry, but she, is not up for trade." "c'mon man, i'm giving you a great deal here, i'll even throw in some money. how much?"


Deleted Scenes - Darkest Taboo: Introduction.

Wind howled through the branches as the rain began to descend, darkness was starting to set in heralding the inset of night; all around the sound of nocturnal pokémon could be heard from the wails of ghost type to the haunting melodies of the darkness as a hoothoot

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Cherubi's Story - Chapter One

I could hear the birds calling to each other- mostly the spearow, and every once in a while the sound of a hoothoot who had woken up early. one of the spearow had cornered me earlier, had tried plucking off my bulb, and it had hurt.

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Not Exactly Janitorial Duties

That particular man was a soft-spoken alakazam, who talked little aside to the other librarian, a rather apathetic hoothoot.

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