Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 1

Do they have other types of kinetics? plant kinetics would be awesome." crafty let the frost disperse, "i think so... i never learned much beyond this so not sure what i could teach you."

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RS: fathers agony: part 2

I have set the car to auto unlock itself and tied your kinetic signatures to its data base.

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DC Profile: Velocity

Analysis staff posits that he may possess a protective aura of some kind while in motion or he may have innate control over kinetic forces. if the latter is the case, he may grow to be one of the most powerful defenders ever recruited.

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The Adventures Of Bloodstrype Ch1) History and a Headache

Of the 6 cruisers the enemy sent against us, two are already destroyed by the time i order the missiles launched. 3 survive the first salve and i order the kiss (kinetic strike system) to fire.

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Hypnovember 23 - Villain

His powers relied on building up kinetic energy with snappy movements, long jumps, and acrobatic feats. he didn't feel up for any of those right now and there wasn't much space to maneuver either.

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Galactic Ranger CYOA Part One

\*kinetic-weapons- the character is mostly focused on using kinetic weaponry. weapons with technology that increases the force and speed of one's blows.

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Universal History of the 38th Dimension: Vol 1: Part 1

We've gotta stop those guys from taking control of our kinetic bombardment system!" sgt. kelly quickly shot down another one of those dreaded mercenaries inside the queen of wrath control module.

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Breeder City Ep.3

In the head, the kinetic wave discharged and busting it's armoured carapace on contact.

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Star Fox: Ascension #08 TERROR

The only question is just how much power could be drawn from the kinetic batteries?

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The Chronicles of the Seven: Who's Who

**abilities** : being the avatar of fire, he is kinetic with it and he can change the temperature of anything as well as ionise a gas to a plasma.

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It Runs in the Blood (Commision)

We are saddened to lose such a bright candidate, but we need reliable employees at global kinetics, not slackers. we hope the future finds you well."

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CE04 - culture

The aid of their pseudo-kinetic followers.

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