A Soulful Bound

#2 of lunar you know, all of my life and experiences as a detective has led me to such difficulty, i mean.. it's a challenge and i know that, it's the very reason i pick it up in the first place.

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An Old Myth

As the mountains stood tall, as if holding the sky in place, clouds travelled closer like migrating birds. As a figure, in one hand a staff and the other a map, he was a tall and slim feline, he had glasses that covered his eyes, when a clear view...

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A Shifty Situation

As the room stayed silent, the door opened, in came a tigeress, dark brown fur and glowing yellow eyes, as she walked in her presumed apartment., she laid down her keys and a note, then as she sighed, she spoke "Why, oh why..." As a lone red dot...

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Amethyst Eyes of the Jungle - An Exalted Prologue

Amethyst Eyes of the Jungle. He was newly minted, a Chosen fresh off the press, a shining Celestial. His name felt, tasted, more real than ever. But the world is indifferent to such grandeur, and guidance is rare even in the best of times. Luck still...

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A life once lost...

lunar smiled and with a fore-hoof he lightly patted astra's head. lunar had found astra when she was just a pup in the forest that was once where midnight castle now stood.

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Chpt 11- Visions of the Past

The mare then left the room with both lunar and the sleeping celestia._ _ lunar then looked over to the sleeping princess an gently blew into her ear, slowly waking her.

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A New Loincloth

lunar didn't mind, he would return that night, but for now he wished to see what he looked like dressed in his friend. once in front of the mirror, lunar smiled.

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Chpt 26- Seven Years

lunar chuckled. "they wanted to know about their father so why not?" "you did make sure to leave out the more graphical parts correct?" lunar scoffed. "of course, our kids are still too young to know about those sort of things."

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Tom touched the control for the radio in the ranger; the small ship interfaced with the radio in his helmet and opened a communication link, "x-ray-delta-bravo calling lunar command. over." "this is lunar command x-ray-delta-bravo, we receive you.

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Moonlight Bliss

By: suicune lunar one day at the spas of the lunar winds a very beautiful pokemon by the name of suicune was bathing in the warm, clear, refreshing waters.

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Chpt 14- A Letter Home

"we think that is a grand idea dear lunar." "i agree with luna." blueblood however said nothing at first, surprised? "well we see that auntie is happy with you so nothing we say will matter. i believe your idea is a good one lord lunar."

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