A Machines Love
He went on to quote all this technical/mechanical jargon, and in his mind i could see the dollar signs stack up.
Welcome To The Machine
The machine came closer; for if he could name the machine; he thought he could stop it.
The water machine
The machine responded by spraying the sheath again and a gush of piss went right into the raccoons mouth. he started to cough but the machine would not stop this time making him spray his entire face with pee and swallowing quite some.
Machines and Masters
Just then the machine stopped and my near-orgasm subsided. i cursed as the machine started up again. my cock was twitching by this point, hard as a rock and eager for release.
Terror Machine
V=jsysujwdjws shinedown - i own you -transmission lost- -sounds of madness- chapter two: terror machine by havoc "naturally the common people don't want war...that is understood.
A soft machine
A soft machine first person, robot, waking up, self assessment, thankfulness wrote this a couple of years ago, when first developing my robot fursona. still here good waking up. sleep mode is always a gamble. works most of the time.
Janis and the Machine
Janis glanced at the reflection on the surface in front of her. She didn't suit make-up. She never had done. But that was irrelevant now. Money is more than just a cosmetic beauty so she was reduced to being dolled up like a whore for the sake of a...
MACHINE {Diapers}
A solid white table slowly extended itself out of the machine while remus waited giddily. the machine whirred to life when he sat down.
MACHINE {Autofellatio}
The machine stopped the next wheel. the entire wheel's values were 'public', which was expected since this machine was public. flack just continued to be angry about the machine forcing the number four on him.
The Rape Machine
* * * of all the places on the dragon's estate, the room with the rape machine was the most intriguing. not because he room was special in any way. actually, he did not know anything about the room or the machine, whatever it really was.
The New Machine
"and what about the new machine?" "working perfectly. but we can always test it on her again."
Succubus in the Machine
"i placed a trap inside a vr machine, congratulations, you're the lucky winner!" she clapped her hands together; sam was lifted back onto her feet by the wisps of pink energy.