one too meny

A few months later two traveller's came to the town they had pets to sell, cat's that were good mousers, sheep that had great sperm counts and birds that would sing and tweet on command, a few towns goer's brought them but then the low rumble came and made

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Lovin' A Feline Chapter 10

mouser said with his usual rodent grin. "thanks, but it never was always like that for me," nicholas replied. "i used to be quiet bad at fighting." "bad you say?" kool said. "that doesn't seem likely."

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Cheese Tariffs

How 'bout i fetch you a nice 'anti-mouser' ... make that anxiety all better?" "i don't need," audra breathed, finally steeling herself to glare at him, "pills." "a lot of mouses take them." "i don't." "never?" he tilted his head.

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Another Perfectly Normal Day At School

In theory, kickaha was actually a good mouser. but tony wasn't sure he had ever actually seen the foxyote successfully catch a mouse before. and yet, he had to be succeeding on his hunts normally, because he surely wasn't starving to death.

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Fool For You

"i need a sedative," she said, referring to 'anti-mousers.' "please." prancer nodded quietly, not questioning the request. " ... will you pray with me?" the mouse breathed, eyes shut. "when you get back?" "of course." a pause.

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Overcasting 3: Chapter 1

Both smirked and katia joked, "maybe i _could_ train as a mouser. certainly more worthwhile skill than signwriting and whatever. but anyway, i... i..." she stumbled and stammered and felt a warm flush run through her face.

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Links - Chapter 43 - Applegate

It was fur, feline judging by the tawny colour, and far too long to belong to a hunting cat or mouser. dellward frowned, plucking the hairs off her robe and tossing them from the window. after bathing, she set about tidying her bed.

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Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 49

Anyway, we need fluffy to be a mouser so i've been putting her through her paces. i've been playing with her in the backyard more often and she saw one of the mice yesterday.

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Love Shall Win 2 - Amongst Friends And Family

Bandits, koopas, dryites who resembled toads with cloth wrappings around their entire bodies along with mousers wearing turbans that flowed across their backs.

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Young Crush

mouser's the name. pretty self-explanatory, if you ask me.. ken... well, whatever he works on, he leaves in little pieces, and makes sure nothing clogs the pipes when we flush them down the drain. so we're calling him the scrapper.."

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Fun for the Holidays

I don't know what he ate but he's as a useless mouser for sure!" they laughed together, but colleen's words echoed through his head, reminding him of the night before and his own realization of just that.

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