Chapter 8 Heated Hunt

The extra stimulation from the barbs usually was enough to pry stubborn ovum from the depth of their wombs where they would be drowned in the king's waiting swimmers almost immediately after. the king had been getting close to release.

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Amor's Big Day Out

In an instant they were claimed by the first wiggling package of virility, the swiftest of the fox's swimmers in the clamoring hoard sinking in past the ovum's membranes without effective resistance to stop them.

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That Time Of The Month

How likely was his seed to manage to make that trek, to journey up along his tubes to find what eggs his heat had delivered from his nestled ovum?

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Reclaiming Their Wings

The hot rush of thick sperm rich seed pumped out of the tip, flowing out in a pressured wash that the little hen felt hitting the back of her bared egg chamber, flushing towards the waiting ovum.

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Six Surprises

She detected the ripe ovum there and dangled the sperm beside it. it squirmed in her microscopic grasp and strained towards the egg. she let it go. nopony detected a thing.

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Zach's Night OUt

That single bead was all it took, as the lucky dollop trickled down over the otter's waiting ovum.

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Forest Desire Part 3

It was like i could feel his sperm and my ovum merging so they could create new life. it was a feeling like i had never experienced before in my life. the wolf soon turned around still tied to my ass watching me proudly.

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Fate's Game

Your ovaries were destroyed, the ovum's inside burst i can't repair them. i'm sorry, your sterile...i know you wanted a family one day and...its beyond this ships ability. by your medical standers you should be dead right now.

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"The Clinic" Opening Teaser & Sign up Opportunities!

Was saying earlier, our studies concluded that the natural process is the best method to conceive, but stimulating female orgasm and regular sexual release not only helps keep patients hormones well balanced, but also encourages fertilization of the female ovum

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Jockstraps: Claiming Cameron

He tried to scan through all the known 'offices' he had committed to memory but couldn't come up with one that could be shortened to 'ovum'.

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Lottle Learns a Lasting Lesson

As the headmaster pumped his seed into her, lottle could feel his hot seed flooding her, claiming her ripe ovum, any chance of the deer team claiming her eggs was overwhelmed by her new master.

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Blackie and Zilla Have Fun!

Blackie lay draped over his mare, still and quiet, as he ejaculated these final jelly-like, sticky portions of jism, their evolutionary function being to seal the vagina closed so that no other stallion's cum should fertilise the mare's precious ovum.

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