Breakfast In Bed

The existence of the tray sounded nice, though, because we might definitely do something about that at some point, if the mood struck us for such a picnicking way of eating breakfast, or anything, really, in bed.

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Snow, Exceptionally Bored (Illustrated)

Young trainers training with their pokemon, young couples picnicking, all sorts of people relaxing, reading, etc.

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What I Know

"no, i mean, they're ... actually picnicking up there." he squinted, just to make sure. and then nodded again. "they're having wine!" the squirrel looked up. "really?" a nod, waving with a paw. "come see."

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Training for Lavaridge

Next up was a picnicker who challenged me with a gloom and i sent out my combusken having him use flame charge defeating gloom.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Fuchsia City

The final trainer that battled me was a picnicker who sent out a tangela, which was defeated by my charizard's flamethrower and then the final opponent was a seaking who i substituted for my persian, he hadn't had much battling recently, so i wanted to give

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Tyrannosaurs are peeping-Toms… and pranksters too

When picnicking with their tyrannosaur-person extended-family, tyrannosaur-dogs enjoy stealing a long link-of-sausages. they drag the link around, and run-about with it, attracting the attention of all the other tyrannosaur-dogs.

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Taking the Dirt Track

"seems unfair to the picnickers for them to have to sit in your spunk. just stand up and turn around here, i'll hold you up if you feel like you can't stand any more." the jack rabbit replied as he looked over the condom.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Olivine Gym and Safari Zone

A picnicker then sent out a clefairy and i sent out my forretress having him use heavy slam defeating clefairy.

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silver and wine

They started dating in earnest, and were very happy indeed. they picnicked in the park one time and a few passerby were startled by strange noises coming from the nearby bushes. not every date resulted in them going to bed, for they were very much in love,

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Life's Fun Bits: Part 2: Tie-Pulling, and Tail-Squirming Meetings

The park was in full-bloom, people and anthros picnicking, children and pups laughing. she sighed a contented sigh of having a day off and lay down on the side of the grassy hill, purring at the warmth of the day.

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A Grand Day Out

Over the next few hours, the distant goings-on of a soccer match, a group of reposing picnickers, and a fox cub with his mother feeding a gaggle of eager ducks had all been immortalised in sketch form.

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Trail Closed

Normally the field was full of people playing frisbee or picnicking... but tonight it would be undisturbed. kevin emerged out of the woods, following the trail, seeing it for himself... the grasses swayed in the wind, almost looking silver.

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