He glanced around, looking for any disagreement, but it seemed the monkeys were unanimously in favor of the polyamory. it certainly beat the alternative. otto nodded happily, laughing at sprx's antics, "yeah, i don't mind it at all.
Howlr Diary: He Brought a Well Endowed Friend, Pt. III
"polyamory?" i asked. dominic shook his head. "just sex." "why?" i held in the question which was really on my mind, which was 'are you two in love?' dominic shrugged. "it brought us closer together.
forging a family: sept bonus story erotic aquatics calander
They became comfortable with each other; each would have private alone time or time spent with one lover or another, and their relationship soon became a functioning polyamory in all but name.
[SFW] Squirrelly Days #020 - Kion
Hearing a faint ringing, Kion lay perfectly still as his body felt impossibly heavy and cold. Unable to do anything else Kion's mind focused on the ever-growing ringing in the otherwise deafening silence around him. After a few moments, the ringing...
Date +1
John stirred his cup of tea restlessly and eyed the clock. His brown and black tail thumped the chair and the table alternatingly. The shepherd wondered what took her so long. He had put a lot of effort into the dinner date. His family recipe for...
The voice of reason - Ch 22 - The voice of reason...
There's a difference between a sexual relationship and a polyamory relationship, dushi...' 'a what...?' 'well, like it says, a sexual relationship is mostly about having sex with different partners...
How Many? (rough)
_Since this isn't a bunch of animal people...this is a work of fiction. All events and characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental._ "Oh for pete's sake, quit fretting,"...
In for a Penny
It was Nicky's first time working nights at the daycare. Unlike the daytime hours, when trainers were coming and going, night was far quieter--a time when only one worker was on staff to watch over the pokemon. Still, it was their job to safeguard the...
Sibling x Girlfriend 5 - Dane's Birthday
# Dane's Birthday "Happy birthday!!" The elated shout was accompanied by a flying tackle. They almost missed the couch. Gemini peppered Dane's face with energetic kisses like a newly adopted puppy while Johanna closed the front door, eyes never...
Lapine Lessons - A New Life (Bunny Invasion Sequels)
The long repressed polyamory came back in full force, backed now by a burning need.
Dead Doves and Bad Decisions
"i think for a long time i'd assumed that polyamory was the natural fit for me, given, my proclivities, shall we say. but this feels more _all-in,_ i suppose, if that makes sense." "yes, yes!" said hugo.
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 57 - The bitter truth...
So i opened up another tab and googled the definition of polyamory relationships. it is the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. _"wow...