Bitch Came Back! -Gift Story-

"i don't just give up and let those go that i love, no matter if they are prissy bitches who need to learn their place." catherine seemed to say with a devious grin over her lips.

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Lurking in the Mud - A Lost Leopard

Admiring the form of his victim garn grinned, he had expected the pretty, prissy kitty boy to put up a good fight, screaming and hissing whilst he struggled against being coated in mud.

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Story Starter Scene #1: "Dynamite"

She flipped her paw at me in a prissy manner and brought it to her fur to brush away some ash. "i don't think we'll be that much of a bother to them. waiter?" she called. the feline poked his head out from a stone column.

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Perfect Likeness: A Foot in the Door

"prissy hm? i may be prissy...but i'm not the one getting an erection from giving a foot massage."

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Charm School: Drunk Tank

There was a liquor cabinet, thank god-the only thing worse than living with three prissy dominatrices was living with three _teetotalling_ prissy dominatrices.

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Red Sam Pre-write/Prologue

"i don't give two flying fucks as to what your prissy ass makes, so long as it's edible! now get goin' before i belt your arse!"

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Tales of Skylar: Chapter 1

It's not like it's all prissy and pink and shit; it's solid black, back and front, with a silver trim along the spine. if someone were to see me writing in it, they'd probably just assume that it was a school notebook!

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Ideas for future stories

Pseudo-hulk with autism (i picture him as similar to a doom hell knight), michiru leaves after turning into a beastman, boyfriend follows alongside deathclaw pet, lots of problems because beastmen are xenophobic and boyfriend doesn't see them as anything but prissy


Heavenly Satisfaction: Part 3

It sounds way too prissy, even for a fairy type like myself. can you think of anything else," said sylveon. "too prissy? ok, well, lemme think here..." dex couldn't think of anything on the spot, so he said this to her: "tell ya what.

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Brand New Campus Life 1

What's the prissy smell!?" james heard a moderately deep voice call from the living room. "prissy? it's axe that i'm wearing! i smell like a man!" james thought in his head.

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She looked around her, nothing but lame dudes and prissy girls. why did her mother insist she go to a private school? pulling out her notebook, she tried to listen to the lesson (something about the war of 200 men) but started doodling instead.

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