Kriegsbeute - Spione und Agenten

ralf überlegt und streichelt dabei unbewusst das bein des jungen drachen neben ihm.

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Drachenmenschen - 03. eine andere Sicht

ralf, tan'náh oder t'ánh'aáh?" - „du bevorzugst deinen drrékh-namen, so sollten wir es also auch halten.

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Zoo Keeper - ch7 - Consequences

I sighed, "we will train them, the kittens, they will not be like ralf." i said, almost surprising myself with the feeling. "of course not." she replied, but i heard a note of uncertainty there.

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Burying the Bone

"come ralfe, we shall spread the rest of the eggs. leave some in the dominant species' houses as well, they will prove useful in spreading.

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Among Dragons 1. An unexpected encounter

"ralf - um, manvinkona told me your name - ralf, i'm really sorry, i've never really had any intention to harm you severely. i'm here for a visit and my daughter had begged to be allowed to come along.

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Unter Drachen 1 - Eine ungewöhnliche Begegnung

ralf - manvinkona hat mir deinen namen gesagt - ralf, es tut mir wirklich leid, ich habe nie wirklich die absicht gehabt, dir ernsthaft schaden zuzufügen. wir sind hier zu einem besuch und meine tochter hatte darum gebettelt, mitkommen zu dürfen.

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Unter Drachen 2 - Erste Schritte

„hey ralf, war das toll. - willst du mal gucken?" sie hat die kamera dabei.

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The Meeting

"i'm a tiger, ralf, i'm not about to be frightened by a slightly bigger mutt," i replied despite my nerves. he chuckled and went to sit down in his living room, motioning that i could sit if i wanted to.

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Among Dragons 2 - First Steps

"hey ralf, that was great. - do you want to watch?" she holds my camera in her flight hand.

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Unter Drachen 8 - Tascha

„ach ralf, sohn." sie drückt mich, dann grinst sie. „schon merkwürdig, meine tochter zu umarmen und mit meinem sohn zu sprechen. ich verstehe die kleine."

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The New Machine

I'm serious, isn't also ralf's birthday today too, don't you thing you should ask the caption to give you the day off to at least spend time with him."

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The Other Side

"my name is ralf." said the wolf giving a nod "i'd go out and get used to your legs." ralf said heading to the back of the cave. "don't get lost."korvan looked out towards the opening of the cave and began to clumsily walk towards the exit.

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