[COMMISSION FOR MeisterLi] Brains Over Brawn

Fat. Bubble butt. Thunder thighs. Nerd. Weirdo. Geek. Dork. Four-eyes. Shrimp. Runt. Shortstuff. Shortstack. High school was never easy. At the top of the social food chain, you had to make and maintain an image. You had to stay in the limelight and...

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[COMMISSION FOR MeisterLi] Big Butt Of The Sea

Legend. What does that word mean? It's defined as a popular story of a myth, a popular story that many of its tellers and listeners regard as true history, even with no concrete proof; just signs of the times, a particular passing of time, or an...

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[COMMISSION FOR Xipher] Cries Of A Car Collector

Moonlight, ever the one to seek out entertainment, had put himself out for mercenary work. Not only would it serve to keep him from getting bored, but he figured he could use the funds to maintain upkeep on the Pokemon gym he used as a home. He jobs...

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[COMMISSION FOR MeisterLi] Misfortune Of A Magic Mouse

"Okay look you two," spoke a tall, female, gorgeous black furred mouse anthro, "I'm heading down to the city to do some shopping, there's a few things I need to pick up." She had bright blue eyes and long blue hair done up and wrapped in a red...

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[COMMISSION FOR Kamaria] Fighting A Losing Battle

"She's loose! She's loose! Experiment 472 is loose!" "What?! That is impossible! All lab staff must get to safety! Medical teams standby! Get the Detainment Squad over here! 472 is NOT to leave this sector, do you hear me?!" The alarms blared...

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[COMMISSION FOR MeisterLi] Battle! Big, Blue & Beautiful!

Deep underneath a warehouse within an underground facility, five figures met up around a table. Two of them stood beside each other, both wearing thin black cloaks with the symbol of a red sun decorating them. And for the remaining three... "The...

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[COMMISSION FOR Gale] Yoshi's Cookie

Gale sat out on a boat in the middle of a large lake, fishing line cast; spending the warm afternoon relaxing with a round of fishing. He sighed contently, flexing his thick toes and splaying them, enjoying the cool breeze blowing in between them. He...

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[REQUEST FOR LunaRuby] Unwinding

Unwinding The Full Moon strip club has been buzzing about with rave reviews lately. It was praised as a high quality club starring gorgeous gals of every size, shape and species including special catering to micros and macros. Part of the city was...

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[COMMISSION For MeisterLi] It's Not A Dream This Time, Bou!

Misao and Bou squared off on the rooftop of a tall college building for another sparring session, both stood on opposite ends, staring down each other. "You're not going to cry if I hurt you right?" The vaporeon taunted while adjusting her leotard,...

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[REQUEST FOR MeisterLi] Dreaming Of A Blue Beauty

"That silly squirrel...what could he be up to this time?"Misao thought to herself as she looked through her closet to pick out something nice, "He's obviously trying to make this out to some big date...but it sounds so serious this time. Wear something...

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[COMMISSION FOR Xipher] Exhibition

"You want me to do what now?" questioned a 300ft Umbreon lounging near the outskirts of a city. He laid facedown upon his stomach, head propped up by his hands, propped up by his elbows; staring down as the tiny (in comparison) suited canine proposed...

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[Sponsored] Grand Discovery

Deep within a forest, in a section where no one would dare venture through, was a massive grove where numerous mythical woodland creatures made their home. It was here that fairies, pixies, and sprites lived together peacefully away from the dangerous...

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