
Slowly walking forward, father had given the servents the night off, who could still be here? i heard them again, this time they had come from around the corner.

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New chances and old memories

Kirvcky's boddy jerks and he slumps lifeless into the arms of the human servent behind him. just like that the room goes dark and returns to its normal state.

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Lady Katherine and the Pirates

"well, except the servents, but they remained fully clothed." captain alex sneared at this. "so what? we both have the same parts. besides, you have been wearing that thing for weeks. do you want to get lice?"

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UCR - Ratum (Ouricel Pt 3)

"you are a gaurd servent. what you have already done far exceeds what you were meant to do. food, conversation, and teaching, those are the place of a household servant. " "ok," i say and set down the brush.

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Revivlal of the self in a strange new world (WT)

My new family seemed quite well off they had a few servents all had varying animal qualities about them some seemed related to cats and dogs for the most part there were a few that exhibited reptilian qualities, a few that had avian qualites that made them

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The Vessel ch. 4

'servent, i grow bored, i wish you to return to me' "mster!? where are you?" phil said aloud as he blushed hard the sound of his master's voice making his twin cock's stirr. 'i am still in the demon realm, i have been waiting for you to return.

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the Plot and the Princess

As he entered the chamber he encountered the source of his irritation, the massive red wyrm reclined on the stone floor, a cadre of servents pleasing his immeasurably large organ as he grinned comfortably.

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Icy Touch

There was no hiding who or what he was, yes its true he was a deathknight, a troll deathknight at that, once servent of the litch king, but that has changed now since the litch kings defeat.

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The Matriarch's Cake

"i just need to write a note for my servents to let them know they're free and that this place is theirs.", once again, she added.

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BlackBlood Ch1

Sprx looks at gibson,"lets have this competition, who behave most will get the spend time with jess on the second day and the whole day being the servent. whatcha say? wanna play?"


Snowbound Stream 1: A Non-Negotiable Contract

As he became mesmerized by the strange sigils and how to control them renzyl also slid the muzzle over the snake's snout, completing his bondage as one of his new servents. "hmmm, i really must find more of these coding snakes."

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Strange Mobius

Sullustra willingly disrobed, wishing to avoid the eager hands of her former servents. vaul braced her rear legs. "thaka, prepare me." the mindless girl stepped forward and placed her hands on vaul's rump.

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