Ch 2 fursona high school

He looked to tre and said "did you know bre was gay?" tre replied "ya." by now i was bright red because now my whole asb class knows i'm gay. i looked at race will bright red cheeks and pleading eyes that said can we finish this later.

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Tetti lontani (Literature contest version)

tre navicelle atterrarono su vendar. un gruppo di ambasciatori umanoidi ne uscirono. erano fasciati in pesanti tute spaziali, che a stento lasciavano intravedere i lineamenti dei loro visi glabri.

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Morbiyus chapter 5

Matthew essayait de paraã®tre fort, mais il devenait une loque. il finit bientã´t les bouteilles, et dã» s'arrãªter de boire. il dormait tout le temps, et s'il ne dormait pas, c'ã©tait pour coucher avec un parfait inconnu.

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Ah, la Vache !

Je regardais aussitã´t et j'ai vu mes attributs rã©trã©cir jusqu'ã disparaã®tre. j'ã©tais devenu une femme !

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Santa Comes To Town (Short Story)

Santa why is your pee pee in my penis.. \*Shut up Kid I need to Cum\* - Minutes Later \*Oh Christ Jenny That Fat Man is raping our sons mouth.. \*Ho Ho Ho\* Marry \*MURRR\* Xmas everyone enjoy the gifts Timmy.. \*Yes sir\*

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:10)

You shoot a line of arrows to the tre you`re at. he looks up, and sees you. you wave. you jump down, revealing your wepons. you gather up the arrows, and put them back in the bag. bowser walks to you. he holds out his empty hand. you push his hand away.

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A swedish row of Haiku (w/ Translation)

This time, it was haiku) en bukett var det (it was a bouquet) fångad vid bröllopet's slut (caught towards the wedding's end) en bukett med mod (a bouquet with courage) dagen i hösten (the day in autumn) då dem tre orden sades (when

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Omicidio (Homicide)

- "da poco piu' di due anni, quasi tre... da quando si trasferi' qui, in questo palazzo" - "in che rapporti eravate lei e la vittima?"

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A Glimmer of Light in the Void:Chapter 5

tre-tre i'm looking at you while i say this."_ "not. in. this. lifetime. even if i was immortal. you might want to take note that if you so much as lay a digit on my body over on that side i'll be coming at you with a chainsaw."

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A Fairy Pub

"i think i will go for a sandwich, i tre porcellini2 seems really juicy to me." luca said, already browsing the beverages offered by the pub. "isn't it a bit too ... meaty?"

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No Light to Be Seen Book 2: Chapter 4

The doctor didn't laugh but the amusement was written all over his face "you're in a med bay, not a hospital my friend" "no need tre.

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