Pokemon's gift Chapter 13: Training (Now with bonus arturs nose)

The days started merging together again after that; wakeup, train, sleep, wakeup, train, sleep. the pattern repeated daily until ark could find nothing more to improve his teammate's agility.

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A Chocobo Drink and Flee

It was about this time flan started to groggily wakeup, trying to move one of his restricted arms to his head to rub it and giving a confused kweh when he couldn't move

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All Good Things...

So consider this to be a wakeup call. from this day forward you will live your life as you see fit. i will not be there to say a word. what happens, happens. i'll no longer feel responsible for you. i'll finally be free."               

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Golden Orders

Slap, wakeup winston" "are they out of their frekiin minds? inbreediing??????? they want inbreeding? shouted winston "shhhh, you'll wake the neighbors, and yes, not only want, we are ordered to do it."


Oh, Lord Sesshomaru

The first rays of the sun hits rin in the face and she begins to wakeup, she sits up and stretches her arms over her head "hmm, what a good dream i had, it made me feel so good... but it was kinder strange, well it doesn't mean anything, after all

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The first time. WWV

"val, hey val wakeup." his eyes opened slowly, "fred." "you okay, we looked all over for you." "it hurts to move." i helped him up, but his legs gave way. part of me laughed internally, then i remember it was my fault he can't walk.

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A Treat For the Dogs, Part Three

It'd be one _hell_ of a wakeup call. "waaaaake up, big brother..." her voice was soft and sweet, like the song of a bird outside one's window in the morning. "you're gonna wanna remember this!"

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt35

**"mnnn...morning toph"** jack groaned with a slight small from his somewhat enjoyable wakeup call by the violet coated pokémon grooming him, he could feel each of the myriad of tiny barbs lining the flat of her tongue.

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Inudoshi's Life Story Part 3

Well at least not me" hakima just growled in his direction causing him to laugh a little" so what's with the wakeup call mom..?"

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Malaise: cleanup at the Leibashen household

And that little stunt with bernadette, that was a big wakeup call that there was a major player in town. your days are numbered here. the universal machine will expand and the gears of the righteous will continue to turn and crush you.


Fish Food

"th...that's one hell of a wakeup call," nikki finally addressed cora, having noticed that her startled reaction did nothing to dissuade the shark. "you're lucky that you're so g-good at that..."

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