Staying Human: Chapter Five

Chapter Five The sun was beginning to peek over the horizon when the pack finally stopped. With a wave of his arm and sharp bark, the Hybrid allowed his family to disperse. The wolves made their way around the immediate area, laying down with their...

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Staying Human: Chapter Four

Chapter Four I crept through the shadowy forest as silently as a cat. I carried no torch or lantern, because even in the dark of night, my feline eyes could clearly see the wolf tracks in the dirt, and my keen nose could still detect their scent....

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Staying Human: Chapter Three

Chapter Three Dead silence. That was what the tribe's reaction that evening when Orville relayed the news that I had given him earlier about the pack of Feral wolves. "It is time to move the camp," the chief proclaimed. "No!" Edward protested....

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Staying Human: Chapter Two

Chapter Two The first rule when dealing with Ferals is that you must always strike first. They will attack you without the slightest provocation, and they are merciless. It doesn't matter if they're a tiger or a Chihuahua, the moment they see a...

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Staying Human: Chapter One

Chapter One Have you ever kneeled in the tall grass of an abandoned field, the scents and sights and sounds assaulted you from every angle, while you waited for a wild boar to wander by so you could violently murder it? If you haven't, you've...

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Furry Rights Chapter 1

The ass-holes in the school always called him furfag, wolfboy, or fucky. gym was the worst. he got pushed, thrown, and even got beat. today they were playing football, his least favorite sport (football as in american football, not soccer).

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The Maiden and the Wolf

"so, how was wolfboy? why is your face so flushed? oh, my, did something happen between you two? you were in there for quite awhile!" her nagging only made my face more red and i couldn't help but smile. "no, nothing happened.

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Part XIII - His Curse on the Fairest Joys

(forwarded from "old gang") \> holy fucking shit \> fucking wolfboy somebody named 'fm' replied. (forwarded from "old gang") \> omg yeah thats totally leo bro stfu somebody named 'ch' answered.

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Through the Cracks - Yesterday, Upon the Stair

"look, if wolfboy's getting his rocks off to phantoms he thinks are his otter, then where's real chase?' he snaps. 'he's still out there with a lynch mob after him! sooner i find him, the sooner we can snap leo out of whatever this is.

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Fox Fire Chapter 4

The wolfboy offered the human a small smile, to which matt didn't respond. he just sat there and ate more of the berries until they were gone.

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Buddies-The Move In

Don't even think about it wolfboy."tara sticks out her tongue in a childish manner and looks back down at her stuff. "what's a pretty lady like you doing in this dump?" "um like this is my dorm."she said in a duh like tone. "our dorm sweet pea."

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Kevin Foxboy 09

I had a new duty pushed on me when gray hair the boss human came to the kennel one morning, took my leash from clarence the chrome collar wolfboy, and led me through a new hallway to a new door. it had no plate to push open!

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