Chapter 10

Serena nosed him a little, then pressed forward into the cold, her claws lowered into the ice as she came to it. "Ugh, ice on a ship..." She shook her claw as if she had been stung by a Beedrill, then continued walking forward again, until the mental...

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Chapter 10

What does one wear when one knows one is going to transform into a massive werewolf killing machine later in the evening? And, yes, that works as both a "werewolf that is a killing machine" and a "werewolf-killing machine" except not a machine, per se....

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10 - Reflection

The sun peered in through the east facing window and caused Blue Shield's eyes to flick wide open. Without moving his head, he rotated his eyes in his sockets and gathered the information he needed about his surroundings. _I'm in a bed._ _We're in...

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Chapter 10

The walk out of town had been without a lot of fanfare, but Nate might have been surprised by how many people proudly saluted Zericho as he sauntered along, who treated them to a regal nod in response. He seemed to be largely indifferent to the...

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Section 10

"Well, we've come by to ask if you've run across a seven year old girl in the woods. Her grandmother is back at the station worried sick about her so any help is appreciated. Helan wisely asked the rangers to hold on a minute while she fetched...

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Chapter 10

"Pfew... I haven't trained out like this in quite some time." Celia said almost falling when she tried to seat on a wooden bench, panting heavily covered in sweat. She saw Leo handing a can of red bull which she gladly took, smiling and saying: "Thanks...

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Poem #10

Time changes all, caressing along all the curves. Upon waking up, Energy i see everywhere, Makes my body ache and burn, As my body grows old. One age passes, only to start another, While i gather my clothes close, Guarding me against the chill,...

shadow 10

Shadow 10 Jacob pulled Shadow to the side as the Order prepared to leave. "You'll be fine you know." Shadow looked at the panther curiously before speaking. "Why wouldn't I be?" "I know what happened that night at the club. It would be...

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Theo couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Kilyan had actually _kissed_ that big, long-fanged prisoner. And Yuri choked him! If Kilyan had not talked her down, Theo knew the prisoner would be dead right now. It was more than obvious...

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Ch 10

**Hey Guys the Conclusion to Chapter 9 is here with Chapter 10! Like I said thank you for the support and reviews that I've been sent. You guys are awesome and you guys keep me going so thank you! Now it's just not the battle this chapter it's also...

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Chapter 10

"liz, how long til we are at the palace" tamerus asks, noticing the look on her face. "we are on final approach now" liz states, then reaches for the comms headset and puts it on. "this is delta one, requesting landing permission for the palace....

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chapter 10

Chapter 10 "It's too dangerous, then, for us if we stay with him," said Lilac in private when they were on journey to Ashford, some hours after the blizzard stopped. "I know it's dangerous with Ifrit, but his status as a monarch is not...

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